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(All of this are third person Incase if your wondering)

       Jeongguk was waiting inside the car while taehyung was making a call with her friend, Ar Miee. It was now 7 o'clock in the evening as he look at taehyung who ended the call and enter the car. Jeongguk noticed taehyung who was smiling.

“Why are you smiling, taehyung?" Jeongguk ask who was driving.

“Oh! It's just I'm happy that i could go to jin-unnie's house since i became your personal maid I've never been there." Taehyung answered and explain why she was smiling for, while looking at jeongguk who was driving. Jeongguk just nodded and focuses on driving.

     By 7:40 PM, Taehyung and Jeongguk arrived at the Kim's residence. They both exit the car and rang the doorbell, seconds later, Namjoon open the door and let them in. When they arrived at the living room, the Min couple was there already. Taehyung take a seat beside jimin while jeongguk take a seat beside yoongi. They talk and didn't notice the time. When the clock strike at 7:55 PM, hoseok and armiee finally arrived and the two take a seat beside them too. Jin finally joined them.

“Finally, you all arrived." Jin Stated and look at them.

“Yeah, someone told me late!." Ar Miee exclaimed.

“Be thankful I told you!" Taehyung defended herself and look at her. Jin and jimin chuckles at thier cuteness.

“So taehyung, How was training so far?" Yoongi ask while looking at her making taehyung look at him too.

“You could say I'm fine but to be honest it was hard at first. Then finally i now mastered it." Taehyung answered and chuckled.

“Taehyung, you practice?" Jimin exclaimed and taehyung nodded.

“She even played with the gun." Jeongguk stated making taehyung blush and they all laugh.

     Its already 8:00 PM, when they all take a seat. They started to eat but of course they aren't quite as usual. The girls talk about the things they like while the boys talk about stuff like work, etc....... The girls laugh about what they talk about their college life till the topic was about their crushes making the boys look at them. Jimin's kids was in the living room watching TV and of course the kids was done eating. The girls was now silent until one of the boys spoke up.

“What boy are you talking about, taehyung?" Jeongguk ask making taehyung gulp really hard not wanting to answer her boss, which is Jeongguk.

“I'm asking you a question" Jeongguk said and look at taehyung.

“U-umm...... It's just my school m-mates when i was in college." Taehyung answered and dared not to look at him.

“Name?" Jeongguk ask again.

“Sung Hul..... Smith Sung Hul cuz his half American and half korean." Taehyung answered and explained to him. Jeongguk heard that name before but he's jealous but remain unaffected Infront of them. Yes, he's jealous even though they aren't together but soon.

“You dare mentioned that guy, Jimin. I see you have some courage to talk about him." Yoongi stated while looking at jimin who shivers in fear.

“Hey, we're just h-having fun, yeah?" Jin stated but also shivers in fear because namjoon is looking at her intensely.

“You think this is having fun, Jin?" Namjoon asked her. He and Yoongi didn't use endearment/nickname to them. Obviously they fucked up really really bad.

“Were just carried away." Ar Miee also defended herself but gets silent when hoseok look at her.

“Save your excuses when were home Ar Miee and meet your consequences." Hoseok stated making the yoongi and namjoon agree with him.

       They sure fucked up really bad. After the dinner, the boys are just in the kitchen while the girls are now in the living room. The twin was fast asleep in the car. Yoongi and jimin didn't have to worry because each car have two guards that guarding them so the twin are safe and well guarded.

“Im Scared to go home, guys." Ar Miee who broke the silence speak up.

“Yeah, i agree with you Miee" Jimin agreed with her.

“Guys, why's Jeongguk behaving like that?" Taehyung ask them while the girls look at them.

“Trust Me, Taehyung. He really like-----no more like love you." Jin answered her making jimin nodded in agreement.

“Trust me. He never been like that before."  Jin continues.

      On the other hand, the boys are looking pissed right now. The maids are back in their own room not wanting to lash their anger out them.

“Gguk, when are you gonna confront to her?" Yoongi ask him making Jeongguk look at him.

“Tomorrow hyung, I guess. Im gonna confront her and court her." Jeongguk answered.

“Good luck men" Hoseok stated making the others agreed.

“Well lets go now and home" Yooongi stated as they make their way to the living room and spotted the girls who stopped talking and look at them.

“Lets go, taehyung." Jeongguk speak up and Taehyung nodded, bid jin and the others a goodbyes. Not wasting time as and go to jeongguk, the two enter their car and drove off.

“Jimin, Now" Yoongi stated and jimin bid also her good bye. She go to the car not wanting to pissed yoongi more and they went back home.

“Ar Miee" Hoseok stated while looking at her. He was now outside the house. Ar Miee bid her good and enter the car with hoseok and the two went home. Namjoon look at her wife, jin with a smirk. Their house was automatically locked when the other their exit the house.

       On the other hand, Jeongguk and taehyung was silent during the drive towards home. Taehyung wanted to explain but she was afraid of jeongguk and also not wanting to pisses him more that he already is. When they arrived at the house. The two get out the car and enter the house. Jeongguk didn't talk to taehyung and headed to his office and shut the door. Taehyung sigh wile looking at jeongguk and go to her room.

      Taehyung change her outfit into pj's and think about what Jin's said back to his house. Guess she's gonna confront to him tomorrow.

PROCEED TO CHAPTER 9 ------------>

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