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     A month has past after the incident occur, taehyung was in the kitchen making jeongguk's lunch until, he, jeongguk, himself come in and take a seat on the counter. Taehyung notice this and give jeongguk the food.

“Good afternoon, jeongguk" taehyung greeted. Jeongguk let use taehyung his name and not mr. Jeon its because it sounded like an old man to him.

“Good afternoon, taehyung. Today were going to the shooting range." Jeongguk stated making taehyung look at her.

“We? By you mean, us right?" Taehyung ask and Jeongguk nodded.

“Yes taehyung, us. Im gonna teach you how to shoot and defense yourself while im not here. Im also gonna teach you how to control your emotions." Jeongguk explained. To taehyung's perspective, she was excited but at the same time, she had fear.

“Jeongguk, no need to teach me how ro hide my emotions because i already mastered that part. You can ask ar miee about it." Taehyung stated more like insisted about teaching her about hiding emotions.

“Okay, im gonna ask about it." Jeongguk said and pulling his cellphone inside his pocket, dial ar miee's phone number. A couple of ringings has past and armiee finally answered.

“hello, jeon? State your business" armiee   stated.

“Is taehyung really good at hiding emotions?" Jeongguk ask and armiee laugh.

“O-of course she is jeon. Why d'you ask? Underestimating her already?" Armiee ask in an amusement way.

“Hmm? Maybe. Bye" jeongguk answered and ended the call making armiee, herself scoff at jeongguk's behavior.

     Jeongguk look at taehyung who was making a smoothie for herself. He sighed and eat his lunch, minutes later taehyung joined him by drinking her smoothie. After that, jeongguk went to meeting while taehyung wash the dishes and go to the garden. She was enjoying the cold breeze and the silence while reading a book. Taehyung was disturb when jeongguk arrived, give her the bag that has clothes and tell her to change clothes. Its because they are going to the shooting range.

     I was patiently waiting, for a mafia like me, i dont have any patients and i don't know why but i feel like I'm a patient man towards taehyung. And as i said i was patiently waiting for her. I knocked and she opened the door, finally. Taehyung walk out of her room wearing a black pants that has chains, a simple black crop top with designs and a black combat boots. Her hair was in a bun and she put lipbalm on her lips. Taehyung wear simple clothes yet she's gorgeous.

 Taehyung wear simple clothes yet she's gorgeous

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    I almost blush at the site. I look away to clear my throat and look at her again, she also look at me.

“Do i look that bad?" Taehyung ask looking at me. I shake my head and answered.

“No, you're gorgeous. Were gonna go shopping after to buy you clothes and your necessities." Taehyung nodded and we both make our way to the shooting range.

     When they arrived. Taehyung look around and saw jeongguk's men in the shooting range, standing like a statue. They both take a position as jeongguk was instructing taehyung how to shoot.

“Taehyung listen carefully. As you take the gun, don't be nervous and relax your body, focus on your breathing, aim to your target and shoot." Jeongguk instructed and do the demonstrations as he aimed the gun and shoot the center. Taehyung watch carefully as jeongguk take the gun and shoot. He look at her and put the headphones (i dont know what its called) on her ears and put the gun on her hand.

“Now your turn. Just relax, okay?" Taehyung nodded as she aimed the gun. Normalize her breathing and shoot. To jeongguk's perspective, taehyung shot bullseye.

‘That was quick' jeongguk thought. Instead taehyung stop and look at him with a proud smile. She shoot again and again and again with a laugh and said.

“This is fun!" Jeongguk quickly grab the gun and she look at him. He sigh.

“Look taehyung, the gun aren't made for fun. Good job on your first day. Now we move on the close combat." Jeongguk explained and they both went to the field. Jeongguk teach her the basic steps first to master.

      5:45 PM, the time when jeongguk look at his watch. Taehyung was already changing her clothes. When she's done, she wore a black jeans and a white shirt pair with black shoes. They were now in the back of the car or should i say passenger seat. They arrive at the mall and they started to choose outfits for her. Jeongguk choose for her a badass outfit which taehyung agreed. The one who was carrying the shopping bags was the two guardsmen he bought with them.

     By the time 8:30 PM, they are now done buying taehyung's clothes, necessities, shoes, jewelries (in case if a party occurs) and a simple make up kit. To jeongguk's opinion, taehyung do not need of make up because she's already gorgeous. The two are now sitting in the fancy restaurant while the two guards was behind them, the shopping bags was already put on the floor.

“Umm... Jeongguk, can your men find a seat for them?" Taehyung ask him who was looking at her with a questionable look.

“Why?" Jeongguk simply ask.

“People are looking at us and I feel awkward." Taehyung explained hoping jeongguk would agree with her. She smiled when jeongguk dismissed the two and taehyung thank him. She also decided to get to know who jeongguk is.. 

“So Jeongguk, how did you met your family?" Taehyung ask. Jeongguk already get the hint and also play along.

“Yoongi and I are brothers. We met namjoon when Mr. Kim brought him in our house and that's when we become friends since childhood. Jin and jimin can say the rest how they met them." Jeongguk answered and not bringing up his past and taehyung nodded, not wanting also to jeongguk mad at her. Taehyung will wait for jeongguk to open up to her when that time comes.

“You? What's your history? I will not force you if you don't want to." Jeongguk ask and look at her. Taehyung chuckled.

My mom died when she gave birth to me. So you can say that it's just me and my father ever since. We've been struggling with financial problems but somehow manage to live. I work as a part-time job, a waitress at a cafe until you came. I didn't know about the debt and the gamble about. Im blind about that." Taehyung explained and open about her past. It also made her upset about what's her father's wrong doing. Jeongguk notice that and it hurt him to see taehyung like that.

“Are you okay now?" Jeongguk ask while looking at her. Taehyung smiled and nodded. The two finished their meal and they both headed to the park as per taehyung's request. The two take a stroll while the guards wait for them in the car.

     Once they're done strolling around it, they both headed back to the car. They sure talk alot about themselves. When they arrived the guards pud taehyung's thing in her room and go back. Taehyung and Jeongguk bid their good night's and they bot went to sleep with a smile on their face.


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