The Sniper

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Back in the forest Weiss and her friends approach the real Forest temple without much resistance aside from a few Beowolves. Waiting there was a fiery blonde and a mysterious brunette(yes Brunette includes black hair, I checked). Both of the ladies were recognized by Weiss from her first day. Yang and Blake.

"Oh hey!" Yang called out.

"YANG!" Ruby cheered bursting into rose petals only to re appear hugging her sister. Yang laughs at her sisters antics.

"Miss me little sis?" Yang chuckles.

Ozpin watched with Hope as Weiss and the others approached the ruins. However Ozpin couldn't shake a horrible feeling like he was being watched, or more accurately that someone near him was being watched . He looks up from the Scroll to look at the vast landscape to see if he could find the source. Then he did. On a mountain side extremely far away he saw the glint of a scope then a slight flash. His eyes widened as he pulled Hope to him and covered her body with his own as a sniper bulled hit right where hope had been.

"Sniper!" Ozpin shouts. Glenda immediately uses her semblance mixed with dust to shield the two. Ozpin picked Hope up and held her close, and began running towards the school as Hope cried in fear clinging onto his suit. As she cried she had asked for her mother on instincts.

Back at the ruins Weiss grabs a White Knight chess piece. One of the relics. She and ruby had decided that they wanted to get that one. All of a sudden a large chill crawls up her spine before her heart begins to burn in pain. She clutches her chest gasping and falling to her knees.

"Weiss!" Ruby shouts as the others run to her aid. "Are you alright?"


Weiss' eyes widened in fear. She knew something was wrong. Hope, Her daughter, the most precious thing in her life was in danger. Her maternal instincts soured, and her need to protect Hope filled Weiss with a strength she never felt before. Instantly she turns to look to where the cliff was. Where she had left Hope with Ozpin. Without hesitation Weiss dropped the relic, and ran as fast as she could using her glyphs to increase her speed. Ruby was shocked but knew something was wrong just by the look Weiss had wore. She grabbed the relic and raced off after Weiss following onto the glyphs.

As the two ran the sounds of sniper shots were getting noticeably louder. Earlier Weiss would have shrugged them off as other students but now she was not thinking rationally. Her Motherly Instincts driving her to believe any foreign sound was a threat to her little girl. Soon the cliff came into view. Weiss could see shots raining down upon the top being stoped by a purple energy projected by Professor Goodwitch.

Ruby saw this two and looked for the source catching sight of the sniper scopes glint by following the vapor trails with her eyes. She stops in her tracks and pulls out her weapon Crescent Rose. Weiss doesn't stop her mind not caring about anything but getting to Hope.

Ruby looks through her scope to see a figure in a black cloak holding what looked to be a custom longsword high impact sniper rifle. In the cloak she could make out two glowing red eyes. She slows her breathing, and taps a small button on the side of her weapon releasing a wind direction device. Once she's sure she has her shot ready she pulls the trigger. Through the scope she could see her bullet hit the attacker in the left eye causing them to be knocked back wailing in pain before slipping of to the side and begin a long painful fall down the side of the mountain.

Weiss used her glyphs to scale the mountain in seconds to see Glynda with the barrier up and Ozpin running with Hope in his arms back to Beacon.

"Miss Schnee?" Glynda asks in surprise. Weiss doesn't respond. She just runs to catch up with Ozpin. After a moment Glynda realizes that the sniper had stopped shooting. Then Ruby uses her weapons recoil to fly up to the top of the cliff with the relic in her ammo pouch.

It wasn't long before Weiss caught up with Ozpin when they made it to Beacon. He noticed her quickly and slowed down looking over to her. "Miss Schnee! Take your daughter and my scroll. Head to my office and lock yourselves inside until we can be sure Hope isn't in any further danger!"

Weiss nods pocketing Ozpin's scroll and taking the crying Hope from him. She then listened to his instructions as Ozpin ran back to the cliff. When he got there he saw Ruby talking to Glynda.

"-you see where the assailant landed?"

"Yes Professor." Ruby nods. A determined look upon her face.

Ozpin hadn't caught the whole question but he knew what it was. "Miss Rose, if you could. Take us to where they landed." Ruby nodded and began leading the teachers to where she saw the attacker fall.

In a airship flying over the sea to Vale. Willow Schnee sat looking out the window in worry. Jacques was in his seat in anger though he didn't speak a word. While he was angry about his wife newfound defiance, he was interested in who this 'Queen Mosura' was, and why Ozpin wished to talk to them about it. Whitley was not particularly happy about the trip, but he had his Scroll to occupy him so he didn't say anything either. Willow closed her eyes.

"Will I ever see either of you again?"  Willows voice called out.

"Hopefully in better circumstances, but it could be a while." A voice replies. "Thank you for what you've done for us."

"No, thank you for protecting us."

The voice chuckles. "You are vary welcome Willow. We can see you doing many great things in the future."

Willow feels a tear falling as she smiles from the memory. "I'm coming. Don't you worry." She mutters.

Back in Beacon Weiss holds Hope close. The little girl had fallen asleep in her mother's arms, and Weiss relaxed a bit knowing that they were safe. She looks down to her daughter with a small smile as she softly runs her hand through her daughters hair. Weiss looks up through the window towards the setting sun. Her mind wanders to the events earlier and a dark look falls upon her face. "Don't worry Hope, I won't let anything happen to you." Weiss vowed.

With Ruby and the Professors they finally reach the spot the sniper fell to finding the body and battered rifle in a bush. When Ruby saw the body she instinctively gagged and backed up. This concerned Ozpin and Glynda. Ruby couldn't take it any more and puked in a nearby bush. When Ozpin approached the body he could tell why she had reacted that way. Pulling the brush aside he, and Glynda saw a Rat Faunus Man with red eyes, black hair, and Rat ears. His body was twisted and contorted from broken and shattered bones and was currently impaled by several branches. One of which went right through an eye.

Ozpin grimaced at the sight. He then walked over to Ruby who was still hunched over while Glynda rubbed her back hoping to help the girl with her situation. After a moment Ozpin hands Ruby a cloth from his pocket so she can clean her face. When she looks a little better. Ozpin speaks.

"Ruby." He says. "I don't want you feeling guilt on this." Ruby looks to him with tears in her eyes. "What you did was the right thing to do. You saw a threat, and you took action. That is what being a huntress is all about."

"But... sir he... was a person...I killed him." Ruby cry's.

"I know." Ozpin assures placing a hand on her shoulder. "I had hoped you wouldn't have to kill a person like this, but had you not? Hope Schnee could have been killed." Ruby seemed to relax a bit at that thought. "During your time as a huntress you will see that your enemy's will not always be Grimm. Sometimes the biggest monsters are just people."

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