Brewing Rage

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Coco Adel runs down the mountain with her team close behind as the ground shakes and rumbles she looks back to see nothing but a black and yellow wave of horrifying creatures make chase. They were massive with the smallest being twice Coco's hight with eight long legs and round glowing blue orbs for eyes. She looks back quickly only to see something brown for a split second before getting cloths lined by a tree branch. With a grunt of pain she gets up as her now broken aviators fall from her face. Her beret was quick to fall after as Coco got to her feet and ran while her teammates shouted out to her.

Fear was etched onto her face. She could feel the rotten breath of one of the arachnid's on her neck like her the harsh wind of a fan. She quickly bashes the monster with her weapon still in its handbag form before continuing her run. Coco grabs her scroll out of her pocket and connects to the frequency she had specified to the pilot the day before. A moment later a voice responds.

"Team CFVY we read your signal."

"WE NEED EXTRACTION!!!" Coco yells into the scroll. "We are being chased down the mountain by some unknown spider monster things!"

There was a pause on the other end before the voice responds again. "Roger that Team CFVY. A bullhead is on its way."

Coco pockets her scroll as she catches back up with her teammates. "Extractions on it way." She says.

"Good!" Velvet shouts.

"I think we know what happened to the village now." Yatsuhashi says.

"Agreed." Coco states. Before she could say more Coco felt a sticky substance latch onto her head before tugging her back.

"Coco!" Her teammates shout out.

Coco could feel herself being dragged back by one of the creatures. She was swarmed vary quickly as she screams in terror. The vary large arachnid creatures began covering her in silky webbing. She then began ripping them off as best as she could which wasn't much.

Up ahead Yatsuhashi looks back to Coco in fear. Then he saw blue particles flow from her lower stomach before a massive white, amber, and blue light show emits from her as if a hundred spotlights flashed on from her. Then a massive pulse of gold goes off sending out a shockwave. To Yatsuhashi's astonishment the creatures around her had vaporized into ash and she was free.

She looked dazed, confused, and ready to hurl. Yatsuhashi rushed over grabbing her before she could collapse and tossed Coco's weapon over to Velvet. Velvet hit a button on the handle and the handbag transformed into a minigun. All of the metal pieces concealed inside flipping around and extending. While Yatsuhashi carrying Coco followed Fox down the mountain Velvet began raining fire upon the next wave of creatures.

Velvet's eyes widened as she watched the bullets bounce off of the creatures who didn't even seem fazed. Realizing her efforts were futile she transformed the weapon back into a handbag and ran to catch up with the others. Her bunny ears twitched as Velvet looked up to the source. The bullhead had arrived. It descended twenty feet ahead of Yatsuhashi, Coco, and Fox while Velvet was about twenty more feet away. She could hear the creatures behind her getting closer as they made cracking and snapping noises with the arachnid creatures jaws.

Fox managed to jump on board the Bullhead first followed quickly by Yatsuhashi carrying Coco. Yatsuhashi set Coco into a seat before turning around and extending his hand. "Come on Velvet! Hurry!"

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