Boiling Pot Of Rage

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Warehouse In Mantle, Atlas

Roman opens his eyes to the sight of Neo's dual colored hair laying on his chest. The two had been spending more time together for the past few days, and both of them found this time to be the most thrilling they've had while not risking their lives. Neo shuffled a bit and Roman saw Neo look up to him with a smile.

The partners were currently in bed Roman wearing only his black slacks, and Neo was in one of his orange shirts which he thought fit her like a dress. "Enjoying the view?" Roman teases. Neo stuck out her tongue at him playfully. Then a knock came from the door. Roman and Neo sigh collectively as the two get up. Neo went to the bathroom while Roman grabbed a random white shirt from the edge of the bed and hastily threw it on as he walked to the door.

The person knocked again a little louder. "Yeah yeah I'm coming!" Roman shouts. When he opens the door he saw Mercury. "What is it kid?"

"Adams back." Mercury says. "He wants to talk to you. Something about the plan."

Roman mutters a swear before nodding. "Alright I'll be down in a minute." He says before closing the door.

Team CFVY's Dorm, Atlas Academy

Coco Adel groans as her eyes flutter open to the light in the window. Taking a look at her surroundings she concluded that she was in her teams dorm room. Sitting up she felt a wave of nausea hit her for a moment. Inspecting the room again she saw Fox on a couch across the room listening to something from his scroll with headphones. It sounded like an audiobook. Standing to her feet she made her way to the bathroom to wash her face off.

Flicking the light on she went to the sink, turned on the water, and splashed some onto her face. She sighs pinching the bridge of her nose for a moment before looking up to the mirror where her reflection was. She frowns as she looks at her reflection placing both hands on the edge of the counter while she leans closer to get a better look. Something was off about it. She wasn't sure until she looked into her reflection's eyes. Unlike her normal chocolate brown eyes the reflection showed burning amber eyes starring back at her which seemed to glow. She was confused and lifted one hand to her eye covering it and uncovering it. Nothing changed.

She then opens her mouth muttering a confused inaudible question before stopping and backing up in shock. She leans forward again and opens her lips to look at her teeth. Her reflection had fangs. Two razed sharp fangs on her upper and lower jaw. She lifted her hand to her mouth poking at her teeth with her fingers only to be further confused as she felt no fangs at all. She sighs in frustration.

"Hallucinations now huh?" Coco mutters bitterly.

Then her reflection charged at her causing Coco to scream in fright and fall on her back. "Coco?!" Fox calls from the other room.

Coco got up quickly to look at the mirror and froze. It was normal. Her reflection now had brown eyes and her teeth were normal. She heard Fox knock on the door and she looked over. He had a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine Fox." Coco lies quickly.

Fox frowns. "Coco." Fox says disapprovingly as he crossed his arms. Coco looked down away from his sightless gaze. This was one thing Coco both liked and sometimes hated about Fox. He always knew when you were lying. He sighs at Coco's refusal to respond. "Come on we need to report to Ironwood about the mission. Velvet and Yatsuhashi are waiting for us.

Coco looked up abruptly to that. "Alright." She says as a scowl crept onto her face as she clenched her hands into fists. "I wanted a word with him anyways."

Combat Class, Atlas Academy

"Alright class..." The Instructor Clover Ebi starts. "For todays final combat session let's have Two members of Team RWBY and the same from Team SQPN."

The class had been going in different kinds of matches today. First a member from JNPR, Jaune had to work together with a member of SSSN, Sun Wukong. They had fought Arslan Altan of ABRN and Dew Gayl of NDGO. Sun and Jaune had surprised everyone with great coordination and beat the two girls though not without great effort. Weiss was proud to see Jaune had improved so much since the training sessions she and Pyrrha had been giving him. Weiss frowned at that thought. She hasn't been attending those for a little while. She thought she would talk to Pyrrha about that and apologize.

After that match had been a trio match between Three members of Team BRNZ and CRDL. It was a rather quick defeat for Cardin Winchester's team much to the delight of the Beacon Academy students. Blake herself had seemed a little too grateful for their defeat.

And now that leaves the current match a double's match between Team RWBY and the team that had beaten them in the first combat class here in Atlas Academy Team SQPN. It was an interesting team to say the least. It was lead by Selion Epsi. A man with a cobalt chest piece and black hair.  In Weiss' opinion the team was a mess though they worked together really well despite all the arguing they did.

Weiss felt someone tap her shoulder and she looked to see Ruby nodding to her. Weiss nods back accepting that Ruby picked her to represent the team. Following Weiss up to the platform was Blake. The two exchanged a nod before turning to see Selion Epsi and his partner in the match Qaboose J. Michael.

Weiss ready's her rapier, Myrtenaster and Blake ready's her katana gun and cleaver sheath, Gambol Shroud. Across from them Selion ready's a sniper rifle and Qaboose ready's a assault rifle. Weiss was glad it was these two. She didn't want to repeat the beat down she got from SQPN's final member Alice T. Nevada. Weiss couldn't understand how Selion and Alice were a couple.

"Begin!" Clover shouts.

Quickly Weiss stabs Myrtenaster into the ground causing a massive sheet of ice to cover the floor as Blake jumps to about getting caught in it. Selion and Qaboose however got their feet frozen to the ground. Selion swears aloud before aiming his rifle to the right away from any target before pulling the trigger. The bullet then began to ricochet off nearly every wall in the room before hitting Weiss in the leg.

Blake tossed Gambol Shroud at the man only for Qaboose to catch it. "No hurting my friends! Yahhhhhhh!!!" The blond haired boys face turned angry before his hair turned a deep lavender color. He pulled on the ribbon yanking Blake toward him. Blake scowls but let's herself slide against the ice to him. Once close enough Qaboose tries to punch her, but Blake ducks and slices his legs with the cleaver of Gambol shroud before grasping the katana and transforming it into its pistol form and fireing off several rounds.

Selion smacks Blake in the face with the back of his rifle and Weiss creates several glyphs around the rifleman before disappearing into a white blur as she slices at Selion. Once her attack was done. The buzzer went off signaling the end of the fight. Weiss turns to Blake and they share a smirk and a high five.

"And that's the match." Clover says with a smile. He then went to explain what each team did well and what they could work on.

Once class was over Weiss was following her team back to the dorm where Winter and Hope were waiting. "Momma!" Hope shouts rushing over to Weiss happily. Weiss smiles and kneels down while Hope tried to tackle Weiss in a hug.

"Hey sweetheart." Weiss says giggling at Hope's reaction. "How was your day?"

"Good!" Hope says. "Auntie Winter took me to a park, and I got to play on the swings."

Weiss looks to Winter who shrugs. "I found out about one not to far from the school." Winter explains.

"Thank you again Winter." Weiss says standing up.

Winter waves her off. "Don't worry about it." She says. "But Mother wants to see us."

"Mother?" Weiss questions. "Did she say what it was about?"

"She just wants to see us." Winter says. "Nothing more than that."

Weiss looks to her teammates who were all smiling and giving a sho motion in encouragement. She then looks back to Winter. "Okay then."

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