Battle Against The False King

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The night sky flashed in clashing blue and yellow while the ground suffered massive earthquakes from the impacts of monstrous footsteps. High in the clouds a massive butterfly like creature named Mothra was on a tactical retreat. On her heel, a massive Golden Three Headed Dragon. Ghidorah. Seeing that Ghidorah took the bait she began to lure him around a mountain so he would get blasted by a beam of blue nuclear energy. The beam was well placed as it sliced through the Golden Dragon's left wing. As it fell the Golden Dragon managed to at the last second, grab hold of Mothra with its right most head causing them to fall together.

The impact caused a massive dust cloud hiding the two. Moments earlier a massive aquatic lizard named Godzilla managed to kill one known as Gigan, and avenge his old friend Anguirus. Within the dust cloud the pained cries of Mothra could be heard. Hearing this Godzilla began to rush over. The dust then blasted away revealing Mothra being held in the air by Three Golden heads. They were standing above Gigan's smoking corpse. His sharp metal hook for a hand severed, and embedded in the ground pointing to the sky. Godzilla eyes widened at the sight knowing the Three Headed Tyrants plan. Before Godzilla could even make a move, Ghidorah brought Mothra down upon the hook causing a massive earthquake from the impact. Mothra's cry echoing out for all to hear.

Filled with Primal Rage Godzilla lets out a Thunderous Roar. His body then began to glow a molten orange. With another roar Godzilla charges Ghidorah, slamming him into the mountain. Stunned, the three Golden Heads could only look on in terror as a molten orange glow sparked to life at the end of Godzilla's tail trailing up to his head before he took a deep breath. A moment passes and Godzilla unleashes a beam of molten orange nuclear energy, melting The False King Ghidorah till nothing remains. With vengeance served Godzilla give out a victorious roar to the sky, only to cut it short at the pained screech.

Godzilla's amber eyes widened as he recovered from his rage. He turned his head to see Mothra impaled through her torso. Off a measly mile away Dr Serizawa a man wearing a torn shirt and freshly ripped jeans stands at the top of one of the few skyscrapers that still stand. His twelve year old daughter, and the current twin Cosmos with him. His daughter wearing battered white shirt with a torn pink jacket and jeans, while the twins wear matching orange dresses that have golden straps around their waists as well as head bands that appear to be made of a white fur-lie material. They each have a l flower on one side of their heads one blue and one red, and golden bands around their exposed arms. They each also have two necklaces around their necks.

The group watch in horror from the skyscraper looking on to the sight before them. They watch as Godzilla, the True King Of The Monsters rushes to Mothra's side. They watch as he kneels down and gently lifts Mothra, bringing the severed arm of Gigan with her.

Godzilla looks over his Queen knowing the wound was fatal, and that she hasn't laid her egg for this cycle meaning that this is the last time he would get to be with his Queen. After 237 million years of being reborn every millennium with all memories intact, it would now be brought to sudden and swift end.  And there in arms of Godzilla, Mothra looks on to the king as he dose what no one thought would be seen. He was crying.

Tears falling from his face as he lets out a few soft roars and grumbles as if talking. Mothra then brings one of her six legs up and wipes a tear away from the kings amber eyes.The twins and Dr Serizawa's daughter where in tears at the sight while the Doctor himself was struggling to keep it together himself. After a moment she goes limp. Godzilla looks over Mothra for a moment then shakes her a bit. When she doesn't wake he holds her close before letting out a thunderous roar of pain and sorrow.

An injured fire bird named Rodan carried by an injured Godzilla Junior limp over, stopping once they see the Queen's condition. Her body flashes a bright gold before bursting into a golden mist. The twin cosmos share a sorrowful look before turning to Dr Serizawa and his daughter.

"Ishirō, Rei..." the twins say in unison. The Doctor and his daughter turn to them to see what the twins have to say. "Thank you, both of you, for all you have done."

"Mei? Sayó?" The Doctors daughter Rei croaks.

"We're sorry." says the one on the left named Mei.

"We have to go." The other, Sayó, finishes. The Doctor looks on in sorrowful understanding while Rei looks as if her world is shattering around her.

"I understand." Serizawa states. "Just promise me you will look out for each other?"

"Of course." Mei answers.

"We promise." Sayó adds.

The twins then look to each other taking each other's hand as there body's begin to glow. "Take care." Sayó says

"And give Emi our thanks as well." Mei adds.

"We will." Rei sobs. Just then the twins glow the same golden color. Getting brighter and brighter until the light disappears taking the twins with it.

"Good luck." Says Serizawa.

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