The Raven And The Song

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Team RWBY, Hope, and Penny wait in the waiting room as Yang's mother is tended to. Yang paces back-and-forth while Ruby watches on in concern. Weiss was confused on the situation. That woman looked nothing like Ruby, but she looked exactly like Yang. Half sisters maybe? Weiss sighs not wanting to jump to conclusions quite yet.

Hope was sad to see Yang upset. With a sad look she walks over to Yang gaining the older girl's attention. "Auntie Yang? Are you okay?"

Yang was surprised. Did she just call me Auntie? Looking over to the others looks of confusion confirmed that she heard correctly. Looking back down at the pleading eyes she couldn't correct her right now. "I-I'm fine Hope." Yang says kneeling down. She opens up her arms offing a hug which Hope happily accepts. "I'm just a little stressed."

"Okay." Hope frowns. That didn't sound much better than being sad to Hope.

Yang parts looking over to Weiss who was smiling slightly. Not that she would admit it. Yang then turns back to Hope. "Hey how about we get some ice cream after all of this yeah?" Those words immediately made Hopes face brighten with happiness. Yang smiles knowing she had cheered up the little girl. Hope then runs back to her mother who was vary thankful Yang managed to make her happy.

Just then the doors are hastily opened as a blond haired man runs in. Yang and Ruby recognized him immediately as their father. The two sisters run over with a 'Dad' hugging the man.

He accepts before breaking and looking each girl over. "Are you two okay? What happened? Where's Raven?"

Weiss and Blake simply sit there not wanting to interrupt as the sisters explained everything. As they did the girls father frowned. He looked confused and terrified. "Wait here. I'll figure this out." He said. The team all look to each other not knowing what to say after that.

Taiyang Xiao Long. The man was a fairly busy man teaching at Signal Academy in Vale, and raising two girls. Since Ruby and Yang had gone to Beacon things were less busy of course, but he didn't mind it. After all they kept him happy, and distracted his thoughts from the tragedy in life. Long ago the man knew Raven. Sister to Qrow and a fierce warrior. The two had gotten married, but after Yang was born she was distracted. Then one night he found her in tears. The next morning she was gone without a trace.

He never found out why. Why she had left. Why she had abandoned Yang and him. He was falling apart. Then Summer came to help out her friend, and one thing led to another. Then Ruby was born. Tai was happy again. Then Summer went on a mission with Qrow. A while later Qrow came back with her cloak all ripped and torn to shreds with tears in his eyes. "Tai, she's not coming back." There was nothing left to bury aside from that cloak.

Now here he was walking through the halls of a hospital looking for the first love of his life. The one who abandoned him and their daughter without giving so much as a reason. Once he found the door he took a deep breath to calm his nerves and opened the door.

There she was. Awake in a bed wearing hospital gown while missing a leg. With tears in her eyes she turned to see Tai standing there. Her eyes widened and she looked away trying desperately to wipe away the tears.

Tai wasn't sure what to feel. He thought he'd be angry, or at least upset, but seeing her broken and crying tore his heart to pieces. As much pain as she had caused him. He still cared about her. He still loved her whether she deserves it or not. He walked over and sat in a chair beside her.

"Why are you here?" Raven chocked trying but failing to hold in her sobs.

Tai sighs. "I'm here to make sure your okay. And to get answers." Raven turns to look at him with guilt in her eyes. "But, I suppose answers can wait for a moment." Raven nods lightly turning away again. "What happened?"

Her breath hitched. "I-I was with the tribe at our camp." She starts. "We were about to have dinner started, then the a shadow covered the camp, and when I looked up I..."

"Grimm?" Tai offers. Raven shakes her head.

"No." She says. Tai frowns in confusion. "It wasn't a Grimm, whatever it was it had aura. It had a soul. It destroyed the camp and tried to kill me." She then lifted her nub of a leg, severed from the knee cap. "I knew I had to escape. I..." She then broke down into tears once again. Tai hadn't seen her like this since they were in Beacon part of Team STRQ. "All of them are gone, and I couldn't do anything to protect them." Raven brought her hand to her face crying into them.

Tai sighs. He knew this was hurting her. The Branwen Tribe was her home, her family. He needed to change the subject. "Yang got accepted into Beacon."

Raven sniffles before turning to Tai. "So did Ruby." She says. "She a lot like Summer."

Tai smiles. "Yeah. She is." He then frowns. "Wait, how do you know about Ruby? Did Qrow tell you?"

Raven looks down visibly calming finally as her mind traveled away from the tribe. "I've know for a while. I saw her at the funeral."

Tai's eyes widened. "You were there?"

"I didn't want to be seen." Raven admits. "But Summer was one of the few friends I had at Beacon. I respect her, and her strength. I had to at least pay her my respects." She then turned to Tai with her watery reddened eyes. "I'm glad you could make her happy far as long as you did. She was always a better person then I could ever hope to be."

To say Tai was surprised would be an understatement. Here Raven was spilling out her guts to him giving him answers to questions he'd never even thought of. His thoughts all traveled to one point however. "Why did you leave?" He asks finally.

Ravens head snaps over to him tears beginning to fall again. She lowers her head in shame as she cry's. "I'm sorry." She starts. "I... I didn't want to." She admits. "After all the missions and the fighting, Salem found out about you."

Tai's eyes widened. No. He thought. Was she...

"I knew if I stayed you and Yang would be in danger, if I stayed. That she would find out where we lived." Raven cried. "Then I went to the tribe to hide away for a while, and a girl wonders into camp. I tried to keep her alive but no matter how much I trained her she... and then when she passed on..." Raven looked up with all of her guilt and fears evident on her face. Her eyes emitting the flames of a Maiden's power. "I wanted to keep you both as far away from me as possible, and now?" The flames dispersed as she looks to her legless nub.

Tai was speechless. All of it made sense aside from a few things Qrow told him. Qrow would say that Raven didn't show any care for Yang at all. That she said she would only save Yang Once. Maybe this was the reason. Fear. Fear of bringing far worse enemies then Yang was ready for. Fear that her daughter would be killed. He could only hope that was the case.

At Beacon Ozpin, Ironwood, and Glynda sit as a broadcast stops playing before them. "Any ideas as to what this is?" Ozpin asks.

"No." Ironwood admits. "The signal is coming from Atlas however."

Glynda frowns. "And it just repeats?" She asks earning a nod. "Do we even know what language it's in?"

"It's not of Remnant. Of that I'm certain." Ozpin says. "Play it again."

Dvarapala RauUpala
Prithvi Akash
Kirana hi kirana
Agni Utkarsh

Ra-Prani Kana Mrityu Doota
Mounam dha mounam
phalu isha

Ozpin frowns. It just seemed so... odd. What could this mean?

In Atlas a facility activates on its own as the computers turn on. On screen it showcases a project called P.E.N.N.Y. With the schematics of a android. It flickers as the image is duplicated on screan and the copy is rewritten and re designed. The word 'P.E.N.N.Y.' Being replaces with 'J.E.T.'. The schematics are altered too be made smaller and more complex with capabilities that are Less human. Then the speakers in the room activate. As a song begins to play.

Dvarapala RauUpala
Prithvi Akash
Kirana hi kirana
Agni Utkarsh

Ra-Prani Kana Mrityu Doota
Mounam dha mounam
phalu isha

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