Crushed Ice

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Weiss groans as she buries her face into her arms on the cafeteria table. Next to her Hope giggles in amusement along with Ruby. Across from them team CFVY sat eating and talking with the girls. "So Weiss has a crush on that Neptune kid?" Coco asks with intrigue.

"That's right!" Yang says.

"Huh." Velvet hums. "Interesting choice."

Coco smiles. "Definitely a good looking guy. Nice choice Weiss." She compliments.

Weiss sighs before sitting up with a vary apparent blush of embarrassment on her face. "I... but..." She sighs again with a pout. "It's not like we're dating. I haven't even talked to him yet."

Coco smirks. "Why don't you?" She asks.

"Wha-uh-what do yo mean?" Weiss says after stumbling for a response.

"Strike up a conversation," Coco suggests. "At least see if you have any common interests, or if the guys a jerk."

"We'll come with you!" Velvet adds excitedly. "That way it isn't obvious as to the reason we're over their."

Weiss blushes further clearly uncomfortable at the idea. Blake then speaks up. "I think it would be good for you." She says looking over to the girls of CFVY. They give a nod of approval. "Coco Velvet and I will join you over their."

"Yup." Coco says with a smile. "And Yatsuhashi, Fox, and Ruby can look after Hope and Yang."

"Yeah!" Yang says cheerfully before immediately frowning from realization. "Wait what! I don't need to be looked after!" The group laughs at Yang's misfortune.

Blake then gets up grabbing Weiss by the hand. "Come on." She says while Coco and Velvet get up from across from them. "Let's go."

"Wait!" Weiss says startled. "Right now?!"

"Come on Weiss." Coco says with a chuckle. "No time like the present."

As the girls approach dragging a scared Weiss they overhear a conversation from the boys. "And then I threw a banana at a guy, and he was all like 'errr you won't get away from me!' Before running strait into a stop sign." Sun was apparently telling a story to his teammates whom all laughed at it. "And that's how I got away." Sun says finishing his story.

"That was crazy man." Neptune says still chuckling from the tale.

The taller man, Sage if Weiss recalled was the one to first notice the girls approach. "Oh!" He says. "Hello." The other guys turn to see.

"What's up ladies?" Sun asks with a jovial tone.

"Just wanted to check out the competition." Coco responds lowering her sunglasses a bit. "So far I'm impressed."

Sun grins at the complement. "We aim to please." He says. That's when Neptune turned giving a smile showcasing his pristine white chompers.

He then looks over to Weiss. "Sup?" He greets with a wink. Weiss smiles with a faint blush. "Oh God why am I like this?" She thought. Then he frowns putting a hand to his chin in thought. "Aren't you from the dorm next to us?"

"Uh, y-yes!" Weiss stutters.

Neptune chuckles lightly. "I don't believe I caught your name Snow Angle." He states offering his hand.

Weiss hesitantly shakes it in greeting. "I'm Weiss." She says looking over to see Coco and the others had taken the rest of Neptune's teammates and run of with them back to the table. "Traitors!" She thought in disbelief. She then looked back to Neptune with a nervous smile. "So your names Neptune right?"

Neptune nodded with a smirk. "That's me."

Meanwhile with the others. "Let me get this strait." Sun starts. "So that Weiss girl has a crush on Neptune, and your plan was to get them alone to talk to one another to see if they even had any common interests?"

Coco shrugs. "That about sums it up." She says while Blake and Velvet facepalm behind her.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Sun says with full sincerity.

Back with Weiss she had sat down next to the blue haired dork who she had actually started a pleasant conversation with. "The bunk beds sound cool though you did stabilize them with something right?" He asks with slight concern.

Weiss sighs a tad. "Not as much as I'd like them to be." She admits. "Personally I think the whole room is a safety hazard waiting to happen."

"Outvoted?" He asks with a smirk.


"Yeah I get that. " Neptune states with a sigh of his own. "But i'm sure you'll figure something out."

Weiss smiles at that. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." She giggles.

"No problem Snow Angel." Neptune says with a wink. Weiss found herself loving it when he winked at her. So far Coco's advice was working. Though she was still going to get payback for ditching her.



"Are you sure we should be doing this Roman?" Mercury asks with Neo nodding in agreement to his question next to him.

Roman sighs in frustration. "Look kid it's not that I think that this is a good idea. Far from it actually, but if we do this job then we never have to worry about that woman your old boss worked for."

Currently they were loading up a bullhead with supplies they needed for the heist. They were nearly done only three bags left, and then they had to wait for a man named Adam to show up. Roman felt like karma was finally catching up to him. He briefly thought of taking Neo and Mercury to Mistral and see if Little Miss would take him back, but that thought died nearly as fast as it came. He couldn't go back to her. Atlas would treat him better. Little Miss would likely chop him up and feed him to the Grimm, but Atlas would most likely just arrest him or shoot him which in his mind was much more preferable.

"So what now?" Mercury asks tossing in the last of the bags with his new prosthetic hand. They had paid off someone to smuggle the thing to Vale weeks ago.

"Now we wait for High and mighty to arrive so they can deliver us the 'Birthday Present'." Roman explains. That's when they saw three vans pulling up. "Speak of the Grimm and they shall appear." He says taking out a cigar and lighting it. He takes in a puff of smoke before exhaling it out feeling his nerves calming down. He then felt a small hand on his shoulder. Looking to his right he found Neo to be the culprit as she held a worried look. "I know." Roman says with sigh.


City Of Mantle, Atlas

Within Pietro's home down in Mantle Jet and Pietro wait patiently for Penny to come visit. Pietro couldn't keep a smile away from his face as Jet excitedly paces around the room. It was adorable in his opinion reminding him of how Penny acted any time she was excitedly waiting for something. "Like mother like daughter." He thought.

Soon the lock to the front door unlocked and with a soft knock Penny opened the door. "Father I'm home." She says with clear worry in her voice. She didn't make it but five feet into the house before Little Jet had tackled her with a hug.

"Mother's home!" Jet yelled in excitement as Pietro laughs at the sight. Penny was still utterly confused but was appreciative of the hug anyway. It was different for Penny when Jet hugged her. It felt as if a part of her that was missing had finally been found, and there was this tug at one of her power cores yet she wasn't sure why. Penny hoped her father would hold the answers.

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