A Meeting Between PLLR And BRNZ

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Coco's team stood around her, guarding her as they faced their opponents. Coco wanted to laugh at the misfortune for their opposing team. Team CRDL. Cardin Winchester and his team were hiding behind rocks while Coco and her team hadn't even left the main platform. Coco looks to Yatsuhashi.

"Hey Big Guy?" Coco calls out to Yatsuhashi through team speak, the telepathic communication they used thanks to Fox's semblance. Yatsuhashi turns to her. "Think you'd be able to knock them out of the arena with a single swing?"

"If someone can keep their attention off me." Yatsuhashi sends in response.

Coco nods. "Fox, back him up. Draw their attention."

"Got it." Fox sends.

Coco loved team speak. When they used it, their opponents in combat class never knew what strategies they were using because all communication was through telepathy. No words spoken. The same was true even now. Yatsuhashi rushed left while Fox circled right. Fox reached the rocks Team CRDL was hiding behind first and began fighting them with his bladed tonfa's. A moment later Fox jumped away as Yatsuhashi rounded the corner and swung his mighty blade known as Fulcrum. With a shout of pain and confusion Team CRDL was sent flying out of the arena out of bounds.

"What a crushing victory for team CFVY!" Oobleck announces.

Clover laughs. "Absolutely Doctor, but we should expect nothing less from one of Beacon's top teams."

Coco smiles to herself, her ego being stoked a bit. "Damn right we're one of the best."

Velvet rolled her eyes from Coco's side. Velvet had kept her irritation off her face for being kept out of the main fighting once again. However it was different this time. Instead of everyone on her team over worrying about her safety, they were focusing their worries on Coco. Velvet felt a small bit of excitement for that. Something she would never admit to any of her teammates. Still, her duty for the match was to protect Coco from any real threatening hits.

Yatsuhashi and Fox returned to Coco and Velvet and they all bumped their fists together with smiles.

"Good job team." Coco says.

Yatsuhashi looks to Coco as they all start walking together off the platform. "So who will be representing us in the double rounds?"

Coco smiles. "I..." then she frowns. "Oh right."

Velvet looked at Coco with concern. "Coco?"

Coco shrugs. "Yatsuhashi... you pick. Fox or Velvet?"

Yatsuhashi looks to the other two with a nervous expression. "Uhh..."

Fox smirks. "So at last we'll know who's Yatsuhashi's best friend on the team."

Velvet playfully slaps Fox on the shoulder laughing. "Fox that's mean!"

Fox laughs. "Oh come on. You know I'm joking." Fox says. He then looks to Yatsuhashi. "Pick Velvet. I kinda wanna sit on the sidelines for now. Watch the next few fights."

Coco groans while Velvet laughs. Yatsuhashi rolls his eyes. "You and your blind jokes." Yatsuhashi says.

Fox shrugs. "They never get old to me."


Team RWBY sits up in the audience with Hope happily following with them. Yang picks Hope up and she giggles. Yang rests Hope on her shoulders as they begin making their way to the transports. Weiss watches on with a smile.

"You know, I'm not sure I'll be able to do that for much longer with her Yang." Weiss says.

"What, give Hope a piggyback ride?" Yang asks with a raised eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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