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Ruby, Weiss, Hope, secretly the Twins, and the black haired girl that they found out was named Blake, found the auditorium. Blake went of on her own but Ruby invited Weiss to join her and meet her sister. Weiss had noticed that Hope was getting frightened by the large amount of people so she picked the girl up and started to carry her, careful to not hurt Hope's wings in the process.

"Ruby!" A blond haired girl calls. Getting Weiss and Ruby's attention. Weiss guessed that it might be Ruby's sister, but was a little unsure.

"OH, There she is." Ruby confirmed. Ruby and Weiss then walk over. "Hey Yang!" Ruby shouts bursting into rose petals and tackling the girl now known as Yang. The two have a quick laugh before getting to there feet. Ruby looks back and remembers that she had brought friends with her. "OH RIGHT, Yang this is Weiss, and her daughter Hope." Ruby introduces.

"Hello Weiss and Hope, I'm Yang. Ruby's older sister." She says putting her hand out but stopping noticing the girl in Weiss's arms. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

"So your a mother? How did that happen?" Yang asks.

"It's a long story."

"No problem, Just curious." Yang says, much to the relief of Weiss. "Thanks though for giving my little sister a chance." Weiss regains her composure and finally gets a good look at the two side by side.

"Wait," Weiss says noticing Ruby being visibly younger than Yang and herself. "Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?" This got Ruby to pull her hood over in embarrassment getting a chuckle from Yang.

"She got moved ahead two years after stopping some criminals in Vale yesterday." Yang answers. Before Weiss could ask anymore questions Ozpin tapped the mic to gain his students attention.

"I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction." That got students to whisper among themselves. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." After his speech Ozpin begins to walk off the stage as his as another professor walks up to the mic.

"You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed" She says

"He seemed kind of... off." Yang says as people began leaving

"It's almost like he wasn't even there." Ruby adds.

"Well," Weiss starts gaining Ruby and Yang's attention. "We have to go. It was nice meeting you both."

"Yeah same!" Yang replies.

"OH, before you go! Do you want to exchange scroll numbers?" Ruby asks.

"I don't see why not." Weiss states. Quickly the girls exchange numbers and part ways.

Weiss and Hope are on their way to catch Ozpin. Eventually they find the elevator to Ozpin's office. Once the doors close Weiss looks down to her daughter noticing that she has a confused look.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Weiss asks.

"I feel like there's something below us. Something with only half a soul." Hope says. She then looks up to her mother with a questioning look. "What do you think it is Momma?"

"Not sure. Do you want to ask Ozpin about it?" At this Hope thinks. After a minute she shakes her head. A moment later the doors open revealing a massive room, the ceiling filled with gears shifting and turning. At the end of the room lies a mahogany desk with a tea set on it. In a seat at his desk sits Ozpin. He takes a sip of tea.

"Miss Schnee, please have a seat." He says gesturing to two seats in front of his desk. She does as she told before noticing two tiny chairs on his desk. She looked up to Ozpin who simply nodded. After getting the twins set in the tiny chairs Ozpin offers a cup of tea to Weiss.

"Thank you." She says and graciously accepts the offer. "So, Professor. You said you wanted to speak with me when I arrived."

"Yes, however I also know you came with questions of your own as well." He states

"Yes sir."

"Let's start with the important stuff, shall we?" He says, earning a nod In agreement. "Firstly, the reason I was at your house. I was looking through my list of students this year however I was short one person."

"Was?" Weiss asks.

"Indeed. You already met the one who filled that spot." He says.

"Ruby." Weiss mutters earning a chuckle from the headmaster.

"I was going to tell you that, at the time there would be no guarantee for a full team this year, but as I said that has changed." Ozpin explains before he takes a sip of his tea. "Now, on to the matter of little Mothra." Ozpin opens a drawer and pulls out a small set of paperwork. "This contains a birth certificate, social Security, and other paperwork that will need to be filled out. This will show that you are her legal mother, and guardian, and if you wish, it can also prove you the biological mother. It will require a blood test result of course." Weiss was about to say something but Ozpin halted her. He takes another sip of his tea, and reaches into the drawer once more. He then pulls out another packet. "This will legalize you as an adult via emancipation. The details are all enclosed, but I suggest that you look over it."

Weiss takes a moment to think. She then grabs the second set. "This allows me to raise her?" She asks.

"Yes, amongst other things."

"Then I'll sign it." She decides. Ozpin gives a small smile and hands a pen over. Once that's done she goes on to fill out the other documents, and scheduling a blood test, she stopped when she saw the lines that are required by her parents.

"Yes Miss Schnee," Ozpin starts. "We will need their signatures, however I will be sending this to a colleague of mine who will get your father's signature. I will be requesting your mother to come here however for her to sign." Weiss gained a look of terror. "Do not worry, if I recall, your mother will be more than happy to sign for this occasion." Weiss gave him a confused look but decided to put her trust in him. She continued on with filling the paperwork out only stopping on the last line needed to be filled.

Child's Name:

"Have you decided on a name yet, Miss Schnee?" Ozpin asks.

"Yes." She says. "I have."

Child's Name:
Hope Mosura Schnee

"Vary interesting choice." Ozpin complements. "Well," He says turning to Hope. "Welcome to the world, Hope."

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