To Love A Dork Pt. 2

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When Weiss woke up she saw Hope sitting at the desk by the window. On the table was a rather large book for a girl her age. Weiss got up yawning before walking over. "What are you reading Snowflake." Weiss asks.

Hope giggles at the nickname. "It's a book of Fairytale's." She answers. Weiss grabs a chair sitting next to the younger girl. "This one is called The Man Who Stared At The Sun mom."

Weiss frowns. Mom. She was use to Hope calling her Momma. Weiss wondered what brought that small change. That was when Weiss thought about the story Hope was reading. "What's this story about?" Weiss asks with interest. She had heard of a few Fairytale's. She had even read some when she was younger, but now after that discussion with Ozpin and Qrow back in Vale, Weiss held suspicions that other Fairytale's may have more truth to them than fiction.

"A farmer had a disagreement with the Sun so the two had a staring contest." Hope explains. "But the farmer went blind and kept his eyes open to win so his family and farm would gain prospity."

"Prosperity?" Weiss offers.

"Yeah." Hope says happily. Then she frowns. "What's Prosperty?"

Weiss giggles. "Prosperity is when someone is successful or Thriving. I assume by wining, The Sun agreed to give the farmers crops proper sunlight or something?"

"Yeah." Hope confirms. "The Sun promised the farmer that his farm would get the perfect amount of sunlight as long as him and his family took care of it."

"See?" Weiss says. "The farmer gained prosperity for his family. Unfortunately it seems he had to sacrifice his eyes though."

"What's a Sacrifice mom?" Hope asks.

Weiss cringes. "Well... a Sacrifice is when someone gives up something for someone else. Like the farmer in this story. He sacrificed his eyes so his family and farm would gain prosperity." Weiss explains.


Velvet Scarlatina sits up from her bed groggily hearing the sound of the toilet flushing. Looking over Velvet watches as Coco walks out of the bathroom looking miserable. Coco was still wearing her pajamas. Velvet watches as Coco walks up to the counter before putting a hand to her head and slowly lowering herself to the floor.

When Velvet got close to Coco, the team leader was sitting on the floor leaning her back against the wall. "Coco? Are you alright?" Velvet asks worriedly.

Coco sighs. "I'm not feeling well." She says. "I just... I feel so nauseous and tired."

Velvet narrows her eyes a slight bit. "Have you... seen anyone in the past week or two?" She asks carefully.

Coco frowns. "Why?" Coco asks suspiciously.

Velvet sighs. "It's nothing." She decides. "I'll be back in an hour. Just... relax and drink some water if you can."

"Where are you going?" Coco asks curiously.

"To the store." Velvet says.

"I can come with if you want." Yatsuhashi says from his bunk.

Velvet blushes at the idea. "Not today Yatsu. Im... picking up... girl stuff."

"Oh..." Yatsuhashi says cringing. "Right then I'll just stay here and help Coco."

Velvet nods before hurriedly grabbing some clothes and changing in the bathroom. Once done she heads to the door before giving her teammates a glance. "I'll be back."

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