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The Morning was a little hectic this time for Weiss, as she had to get the last minute items ready before Mothra wakes. She was moving quickly but quietly. After a few moments she gathered everything she needed from her room. The twins woke a little after that while Weiss sat down at her desk as she tries to devise a way to sneak Mothra out of the manor, without someone seeing her. Once she gets to Vale she will be fine, and out of her fathers reach, but in the manor? If he found out then he would likely throw Mothra out, or worse. She shudders at the thought. She then hears shuffling from the bed. Looking over she smiles seeing her little girl waking up. Weiss then decides walks over to her.

"Morning sleepy head." She says lightly.

"Morning Momma." Mothra mumbles while rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes. Weiss smiled a bit before helping the little one change. after that Weiss walked over to the twins.

"You've done a wonderful job so far." Mei states.

"Thank you, umm, Mei?" Weiss try's to guess the twins name. She couldn't tell the difference between the two aside from the flowers in their hair. One has a red flower while the other has blue. "Or is it Sayó?" Weiss asks unsure of herself.

The twins chuckle at this. They had always loved switching their flowers to confuse Dr Serizawa, and this incident brought them the same enjoyment. It was one of the things their mother would scold them about abusing it, but they have continue to have fun on occasion.

"You were right the first time." Mei assures.

"If you wish to tell us apart, all you have to do is look at the flower we wear." Sayó continues.

"I wear blue." Says Mei.

"And I wear red." Says Sayó. At this Weiss gives a grateful look before offering her hand.

"Are you both ready?" Weiss asks earning a nod. The two climb on and Weiss sets them in the new pocket she made for them. Once that's done Weiss helps Mothra down. From there she grabs her two suitcase's and her Rapier. From there she takes Mothra's hand and they walk over to the door. Once Weiss opens it they see Kline, who was about to knock. He seemed surprised a bit.

"Miss Schnee! I was coming to inform you-" That's when he noticed Mothra. "And who is this?" In a panic Weiss pilled him in and shut the door. "Miss Schnee?" He asks after a moment. Weiss was panicking, trying to figure out what to do, or what to say.

"Momma? Who is he?" Mothra asks looking to her mother expectedly. To say this statement confused Kline would be an understatement, but as he looked at the little one longer he saw an uncanny resemblance. The hair matched, as did her skin. The only real difference's were the glow in her eyes, the facial structure, and of course the beautiful moth wings.

"Miss Schnee, could you please explain?" Kline asks.

With a heavy sigh, Weiss gives a nudge to her pocket where the Twins hid to avoid discovery. After the nudge the stood up letting Kline see them. His eyes went wide, and his jaw dropped.

"Mosura..." He says almost in a whisper. "The Great Mothra. By the Gods, the legends are true."

"Kline? How do you know about them?" Weiss asks in complete disbelief. He sighs before giving a light chuckle.

"Have you ever heard of the tale of Mosu, and the sisters?" He asks. Weiss shakes her head in response. "Well, the story goes that on an island the god of the sky and sea Mosu had a daughter, but was unable to care for the girl herself. So she created five people. Two men and three women. Two of the women were identical in every way. Those two were named the Cosmos, and were tasked to help keep Mosura safe." He says.

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