A Family Matter

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Willow walks off the recently landed transport ship with Whitley close behind. The ship had dropped them off at Beacon Academy. Jacques was furious watching his wife become so 'defiant', and for what? Some word Ozpin had the messenger send? He steeled his tongue however. After all it would look bad if he were to do anything here, and Willow much to Jacques annoyance new it as well. What surprised Jacques on this trip however was that his wife hadn't even touched a wine bottle since the message had been given.

As Willow approaches the building the students of the academy watch in confusion. Willow could hear the whispers. "What's the Schnee family doing here in Vale?" Or "What are they doing at the Academy?".

Once inside Willow walked straight to the elevator. Whitley and a disgruntled Jacques follow in. The elevator had buttons of course but there was a Scroll Scanner as well. Willow pulls out her scroll much to Jacques, and Whitley's confusion. When she placed her scroll on the scanner. Her scroll lit up with a circular symbol with some kind of cross with a sun. A screen lit up on the wall next to it with the same symbol.

"What is this?" Jacques questions. Willow doesn't answer however. Just then the elevator began to rise. Jacques looked to Willow expecting her to answer only to see her with a blank expression.

"Mother? What was that symbol?" Whitley asks.

Willow smiles surprising the other Schnee's. "The Symbol of the Queen. Mosura."

Before anyone could ask more the elevator dings. Once it opens they can see Weiss sitting on the floor against the wall with Hope fast asleep in her lap. At his desk sat Ozpin with Professor Goodwitch standing next to him.

"Ah, Ms. Schnee." Ozpin smiles. "I hope the journey to Vale wasn't to stressful?"

Jacques glares and was about to speak when Willow steps up speaking first. "Not at all Headmaster." She looks to Weiss, and more specifically The little girl with wings Asleep in Weiss' lap. Weiss herself held a fearful expression looking over to her father. "Is this everyone?"

"Not quite." Ozpin says. "Your daughter Winter should be here any moment." Just as he had said that the elevator dings behind them. From inside Winter Schnee enters the room with General Ironwood.

"Sorry we're late." The General apologizes.

"Not at all James." Ozpin shakes his head. "Your right on time. Please everyone take a seat."

Everyone dose so while Weiss remains where she is motherly stroking her daughters hair. Jacques looks over to Weiss with fury only to finally notice the little girl. Confusion spreads across his face, but he is interrupted from his thoughts by Ozpin clearing his throat.

"I'm sure most of you wonder why I've called you all here, What it has to do with the Schnee Family, and why Weiss is accompanied by a little Faunus girl." Ozpin states Earning nods from Whitley, Winter, Jacques, and Ironwood. "Roughly 20 years ago Remnant experienced a mass blackout for about a minute and a half. After that rumors of a giant Moth spread." Ironwood nods recalling the events while Willow smiles obviously knowing something. "Those rumors were true."

"Have you lost your mind?" Jacques scoffs. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"He's telling the truth." Willow states. "I know because I met her."

"Her?" Winter asks.

"Her name is Mosura, or Mothra depending on the language." Willow explains. "In short, she needed help and I was there. In return she saved your life." Willow says looking to Winter.

"My life?" Winter blinks. "What do you mean?"

"You were two at the time so I doubt you remember." Willow explains. "You were suffering from radiation sickness and almost died from it. Mosura saved you from it"

Winter was in disbelief. She had no idea such a thing could have happened. She had been told about magical beings, relics of power, and reincarnation, but this? Winter didn't know if she could believe it. Ironwood however looked to Ozpin. The seriousness in those eyes told him everything he needed to know. Jacques however rolled his eyes not believing a word.

Willow turns back to Ozpin. "I'm guessing the cycle was disrupted."

"Yes Ms. Schnee. Unfortunately your daughter Weiss was the one given the responsibility." Ozpin says. Willow nods chuckling.

"I new this day would come eventually," Willow admits. "Though I had hoped the cycle would last at least a few more years." She then glances at Winter. "And truth be told I would have thought they would have chose Winter, though I suppose the twins know what's best."

Ozpin nods in understanding. "I agree however with the time upon us I have been trying to aid young Miss Schnee as much as I can. Most of the documents have already been signed. All we need is your signature, and she is in the clear." Ozpin explains handing Willow a document. Jacques began to protest only to have the room glare at him so he sat fuming in anger.

Willow reads it over quickly before signing with a smile. Ozpin takes the document back before handing it to Glynda. " I'll get these submitted." She says before taking her leave.

Jacques scowls at Ozpin. "And what might I ask was that document. I don't recall signing it. Without my signature-"

"But it does have your signature." Ozpin raises a brow in mock confusion. "The document was sent to be signed by you and it had your signature when we got it back."

That's when Jacques realized what happened. The document from Vale he signed without a second glance. "You bastard! You tricked me!"

"I did no such thing." Ozpin states smiling. "If you signed it without reading it, that's on you."

Jacques eyes widened. He was right. He hated it but it was true. Jacques has been the one to not even read through it. "And what exactly did I sign!"

"Weiss' emancipation." Willow smiles. Winter looks to Willow as if she'd grown a second head.

"Why in the world would Weiss need to be Emancipated!" Jacques fumed.

"To raise your granddaughter." Ozpin smirks. Jacques, Winter, and Whitley look over to Weiss who fearfully waves with the now vary awake Hope cowering into her mother's chest.

Jacques saw the wings and he was furious. "How dare you!" He scolds stomping over to Weiss. "You not only become a teen mother behind my back, but to that Infurnal animal!"

Jacques was then pulled back by his hair as Willow punched him square in the face with a look that said she would kill any man who opposed her.

"Don't you dare talk about my granddaughter like that!" Willow scowls fists tightening.

Jacques scowls back in fury. "You dare strike me." He growls. Normally Willow would back down upon that tone, but not today. This is where she drew the line. She could deal with the abuse so long as her daughters were safe, but if he even thought about laying one finger on her granddaughter then he would learn what a true Schnee was capable of.

Winter walked up standing beside Willow equally angered by her father. Without hesitation she drew her blade pointing it at her father. "Stand down before I cut you down myself." She growls.

Jacques was speechless. In anger he walked to the elevator. "Come on Whitley, we're leaving." Whitley however didn't move. He glanced at Weiss. Sure he hadn't exactly liked her all that much nor Winter, but he knew that this was wrong. And so he remained seated. Jacques looked back seeing Whitley and scowls. "So be it."

With Jacques gone the group all let out a breath in relief. Willow patted Winters shoulder comforting her daughter who then steeled herself and holstered her weapon. Willow then walks over to Weiss and Hope kneeling down.

"Hi there." Willow says to Hope.

Hope looks over with teary eyes. "Hi."

"I'm Willow. Your grandmother." Willow greets offering her hand. "You won't have to worry about you grouch of a grandfather anymore." Hope looks to Weiss who smiles and nods. Hope then shakes Willow's hand.

"Hey mom." Weiss says as she waves awkwardly causing Willow to laugh. "Surprise?"

"Vary surprised." Willow smiles.

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