Team's Myths And Family

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Ozpin stands in his office with Ironwood and Glynda in the room. "The assassin was working alone." Ironwood explains. "From what was recovered on his scroll, the assignment he took appears to be from Salem."

Ozpin sighs. "It most certainly would explain the attack."

"But why the risk?" Glynda asks.

"Because Mothra poses a significant threat to her. She needed it handled and quickly." Ozpin explains.

"It explains why that assassin was chosen then." Ironwood sighs. "Felix Greyback, he's wanted for the deaths of six adults, and several children."

"That's atrocious!" Glynda growled. "What kind of monster does that!?"

"Glynda." Ozpin starts. "The man is dead." He reminds her causing her to sigh.

"Good riddance." Glynda states.

"Ill keep Jacques in check." Ironwood states to Ozpin who nods. "Later I'd like to here more about Mothra and why you hadn't informed me on her existence."

Later that day Willow, Whitley, Hope, and Winter with Hope on Willows shoulders stand within the crowd as the Team assignment ceremony begins. On stage Ozpin walks out cane in hand.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon Academy." Ozpin says with a smile. "We apologize for the slight delay. Due to an incident during Initiation we had to hold off before the situation was taken care of. With that said, these 56 students have managed to complete both the entrance exams and of course Initiation. Now these brave students have taken their first steps into becoming Huntsmen and Huntresses." With a proud gaze over the students Ozpin began the ceremony.

"First up, Crimson Vrudas, Lilly Volentine, Rocky Verde, Violet Evergreen. Together you collected the black knight piece's. From here forward you will work together as Team CLVR(Clover) led by Crimson Vrudas."

And like that, Ozpin continues down the line of students until some Weiss knew as friends were called. "Pyrrha Nikos, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren. You four grabbed the white rook pieces." Ozpin smiles. "From here on you will work together as, Team JNPR... led by Jaune Arc!"

Jaune looked surprised by the headmasters choice, and admittedly so was Weiss, but she smiles while clapping politely anyway. After that the newly formed JNPR walked off stage waving at the audience and possibly family members they saw. This is it. Weiss thought. We're up next.

"And Finally, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long." Ozpin says. Weiss follows the others on stage standing in between Ruby and Blake. On the other side of Blake was Yang. "You four grabbed the White Knight pieces. From here on you will work together as... Team RWBY! Led by Ruby Rose."

Huh? Weiss thought in shock looking to Ruby. Before any other thoughts came an image of Hope appears in her mind. Looking over to her family who was clapping and cheering Weiss smiles. Weiss then looks back to Ruby who was now in a deadly Yang Bear Hug. After Yang parted Weiss offered her hand to Ruby.

"Good job, Leader." Weiss teases causing Ruby to laugh awkwardly while accepting the handshake. "Just so you know, I'm going to be the best teammate ever."

Weiss would be lying to herself if she said she didn't want to be leader, but with Hope in her life she knew it would only make her life difficult. After all raising a child would most certainly be a tough task on its own. Adding a position of leadership would have her passed out exhausted by the end of the week, assuming she made it that far.

But after what Ruby did in the forest. Helping Weiss, taking out the would be assassin? Weiss found that Ruby might just have it in her. Besides a leader is only as good as the ones they lead.

After the ceremony Team Ruby walked with the Schnee's to the dorms, Hope sitting on Weiss' shoulders giggling.

Winter chuckles. "I must say it's nice to be able to have time off like this." She says.

Willow gives her a questioning glance. "You don't get time off?"

"Not very often. I don't even get paid overtime." Winter explains.

Weiss frowns. "You don't, but as a second in command you work so hard?"

"Yeah." Winter Grimaces. "Wait why? Will you when you graduate?"

"Get paid overtime?" Yang questions earning a nod. "Yeah, time and a half over 50 hours, time and a half and a half over 60." The frown on Winters face said it all. The group stops at a dorm room with Team RWBY on it. "Tell me they at least match your 501k." Yang states looking over to Winter who sighs.

Ruby opens the door letting herself and Blake in. Yang taking the hint she was making things worse went in as well.

"Ruby, would you mind if I came in a bit later?" Weiss asks politely.

"Sure." Ruby smiles. "Go have fun with your family, I'll stay up to let you in when you get back."

"Thank you. I'll send you a message when we're on our way back." Weiss says earning a thumbs up.

A little while later Weiss and her family are in Vale. Stopping at a restaurant called The Golden Dragon Steakhouse. Weiss frowns at the depiction of a three headed dragon on the sign. For some reason it brought a chill to her spine. Once inside they got a table for 5. After being seated they decided to chat. Willow seeing Weiss' distressed look decided to start there.

"Weiss?" Willow asks. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" Weiss replies distractedly. "Sorry, it's just the dragon picture on the sign."

"The dragon picture?" Winter asks curiously. "Dose it scare you or something?" She asks raising a brow.

"Not scared, it's just... I can't help but feel worried about it." Weiss answers trying to explain.

Whitley laughs. "Dear sister please tell me your not seriously worried about some restaurants mascot."

Before Weiss could retort the waitress showed up. "Hello lady's and sir, my name is Emmy Kano I'll be your server for today." She greets. "Can I get you started on anything?"

Willow raised her hand slightly gaining The Waitresses attention. "Do you happen to know where the mascot came from?"

The waitress was surprised by the question. "Oh um yes. The Golden Dragon. He was a mythological creature named King Ghidorah. It's said he fought here in Vale against the Great Moth, and The Sea Tyrant. In the end he was defeated and banished to another world." Emmy explains chuckling at the end. "It's a ridiculous story, but after events a few years ago about those Giant Moth sightings people have started to believe it could be true."

Willow was glad the waitress hadn't seen her terrified face and quickly hid it when she turned back. "I hope I answered your question." The Waitress states.

"Thank you." Winter thanks politely. "We might need some time to decide on food."

"Oh of corse, would you like to order drinks then?" The Waitress asks.

"A bottle of..." Willow stops looking over to Hope then looks to the Waitress again. "Sorry Two bottles of water."

"Coffee with two sugars please." Weiss says.

"I'm sorry Miss we don't sell coffee here."

"Oh um, lemonade?" Weiss asks earning a nod.

"Iced tea if you have it." Winter adds.

"I'll just have another water." Whitley adds.

Weiss looks to Hope who just holds the kids menu in confusion. She decided that the water her mother had ordered for Hope would be good for now.

After ordering drinks Weiss looked to her mother. "You recognize that name don't you."

Willow sighs. "Yes. The False King, Destroyer Of Life, and Eater Of Worlds. By now Godzilla and Mothra should have killed him. I suspect Hope being here is because of their battle."

"Should I be worried?" Weiss asks. Willow looks over with fear lacing her eyes.

"I pray neither you nor Hope don't have to deal with that vile monstrosity." Willow states.

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