The Crow Arrives

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Atlas Academy Landing Pad, Atlas

In morning light Qrow and Amber exit from the transport to be greeted by Ironwood, Winter, and Willow. Ironwood speaks first with a smile. "Amber. It's good to see you made it." He says honestly before turning to Qrow with an accusatory look. "What delayed your arrival?" He asks.

Amber looks to Qrow who answers while pulling out his personal flask. "An assassin. He was tailing us from Vale all the way to Argus."

Ironwood sighs. "I see. Was this assassin sent by her?"

"Seemed like it." Qrow answers before taking a swig from his flask. Then he puts the cap back on and puts it away. "He also had the ability to pass through aura. At least that's what it seems like." He gestures to Ambers bandaged leg for emphasis. "He also had no issue with using the civilians to put me on the defensive."

"Cowered." Winter mutters gritting her teeth.

Ironwood looks to her but says nothing. Returning his gaze to Qrow he speaks again. "Well I suppose it was a good thing you were with her then."


Atlas Academy Cafeteria, Atlas
RWBY sits in the cafeteria across from Team JNPR for the first time in a long while. With them are Sun and Neptune who sit on opposite sides of the table. "So your transport got delayed a bit?" Weiss asks with interest.

Jaune scratches his head sheepishly. "Yeah, but we have been here for a little bit. We saw Team CFVY sitting with you for a couple days."

Yang raises an eyebrow. "Why didn't you just come say hello?"

Nora giggles. "Jaune and Pyrrha have been trying to avoid talking about their feelings for each other." She says causing everyone save Team JNPR to look to the two.

"Nora." Ren says disapprovingly.

"Umm." Pyrrha says blushing brightly. She looks to Jaune who is looking equally embarrassed. "I suppose that's not entirely wrong." She admits.

Sun shrugs. "Well whatever." He says casually. "You admitted your feelings haven't you?"

"Yeah?" Jaune answers.

"Then don't worry about it." Sun says. "Everyone makes mistakes or embarrassing choices. You just gotta move on and look to the future." Everyone at the table seemed to agree causing Sun to smile.

Jaune then speaks up. "So, Weiss. Where's Hope?" He asks. "I thought you brought her to classes with you."

Wriss frowns. "At Beacon yes, but I'm not allowed to do that here in Atlas so my sister Winter has been watching her. Though last night she stayed with Penny's father Pietro. Penny has her own daughter there so it was a good chance for Hope to be around someone her own age."

Neptune raises a brow. "The girl that was sitting with you when everyone first got to Atlas was your daughter?" He asks with interest.

Weiss blushes cringing internally. "Yeah. She is. Her name's Hope Schnee." She explains. "I've been trying my best to raise her, but I haven't been able to see her as often since we got to Atlas. Mostly my sister has been watching her."

Neptune frowns. "That sounds like it's been difficult for you." He says sympathetically.

Sun raises an eyebrow in confusion. "Wait, I thought that girl WAS your sister, or like your neice or something. You look kinda young to be a mother." He states bluntly.

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