Candle Light

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Outside The Kingdom Limits, Atlas

As the bullhead approached the village from which their mission would start Team CFVY were already on edge. They could see it's abandoned state. The houses looked like they had been torn into from all angles and there was blood. Some of the buildings looked to have been torn into by some large monster. Likely a Grimm.

Coco grimaced at the sight. "Lower us a bit!" Coco called out to the pilot. She nods and the bullhead lowers. Coco then turns to her teammates. "Let's go." She says earning nods. As Yatsuhashi jumps out first Coco turns back to the pilot. "We'll stay on frequency 13,4,14."

"Got it." The Pilot states. "Good luck."

Coco nods and jumps with Fox. Upon landing they quickly made their way to the town. It was quiet and empty. Despite the blood that littered the streets and walls they hadn't seen any bodies. "This is bad." Fox sends to the others through a telepathic channel.

"I agree." Yatsuhashi responds.

"Fox can you sense any survivors nearby?" Coco sends.

"None." Fox responds. "It's possible they might have fled."

"Any ideas where they would have gone?" Velvet questions.

"The mountain likely." Yatsuhashi sends. "It could have caves or even a fallback shelter." That's when they felt the ground shake. "What was that?"

"Let's not stick around to find out." Coco sends. "Let's get to the mountain."

Schnee Manor, Atlas

Willow Schnee walks down the stairs near the front entrance with Whitley following close behind. Down by the entrance Jacques was closing up one of three suitcases with a look of fury in his eyes. Willow smirks stopping at the last step crossing her arms. Jacques grabs his things with a scoff and walks out with the family butler Kline closing it behind him.

The butler then turns to Willow. "Would that be all Mrs, Schnee?" He asks.

Willow gives a kind smile. "Yes Kline that would be all for now." She says. She looks to the window and grimaced. A snow storm was kicking up.
Outside The Kingdom Limits, Atlas

"Anything Fox?" Coco sends.

"Yes. A small group that way." Fox sends back pointing to the north side of the mountain. He grunts as the wind continues to blow large amounts of snow into his face. "We halve to find shelter." Fox sends.

"He's right. We won't save anyone in this storm." Yatsuhashi agrees

"There!" Velvet sends. Coco looks over. She saw velvet pointing in a direction just to the right of where they were heading. It was a building of some kind. It was hard to see though she knew Velvet's Night Vision from being a Faunus helped her to see it easier.

"Alright then let's go." Coco sends. She then slowed a bit to grab Fox 's hand. "Fox I've got your hand just follow me."

"Got it."


Dr. Ishirō Serizawa sat in meeting room of the AMF or the Anti Megalosaurus Force founded in the 1950's. When Godzilla first reappeared humanity had been terrified due to the tragedies that followed the first Godzilla's appearance. The same Godzilla that Dr. Serizawa's grandfather had killed with the Oxygen Destroyer. A device his grandfather had taken all knowledge on its creation to the grave.

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