Friendly Greeting

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Seventeen Years Ago
Patch Island, Off The Coast Of Vale

Willow Schnee clutched onto the shoulders of her father as he carried her through the forest. The man was older with white hair and a well kept beard. His hair was slightly disheveled though and his outfit though elegant was torn slightly. Willow had twisted her ankle not long ago causing her father Nicolas Schnee to have to carry her. Hiding in a pocket sewn to her dress were the Cosmos Lora and Moll.

Beside Nicolas was a Huntress carrying an unconscious Winter Schnee whom was currently only a child. This woman carrying Winter was wearing a red and black outfit with a corset and a white cloak. Her name was Summer Rose. Summer looked to Winter with worry as the group continues to run for their lives. Winter's head had a large gash running from her forehead to her temple then down behind her ear.

Summer turned her gaze to Nicolas. "How much farther?" She asked.

"Not far!" Nicolas said. "He should be waiting for us just up ahead." Willow held her head with her hand. Her vision was getting blurry and her skin burned. She cried as the sensation kept getting worse. Nicolas noticed frowning to her. "You'll be alright Willow." He said sounding as if trying to convince himself. "I won't let Ghidorah take anyone else."

That's when they saw him. Ozpin waiting with Raven Branwen and Qrow Branwen standing beside him. Each of them had their weapons ready. Raven quickly turned and slashed her sword creating a portal. Summer turned to look behind her as golden scales burst through the trees with golden electricity sparking from its mouth. It's glowing red eyes filled with anger for this act of defiance to the King. Summer glared as her eyes glowed with a bright source of Light.


Present Day
Amity Arena, Atlas

Team RWBY laughs as they walk out of the lockers to the main hallway. "That was awesome!" Ruby says excitedly. "Did you guys see Selion when his gun jammed?"

"Seems like he has anger issues to work out." Weiss comments.

"Sorry, I was busy trying not to die." Yang says.

"Aren't you being a bit over dramatic?" Blake questions.

"When we're fighting Alice Nevada? No." Yang says bluntly.

"Mama!" Shouts Hopes precious voice. The team turns to see Hope running up to them. Weiss smiles widely crouching down to catch the winged girl in her arms. They share a hug as Ruby Blake and Yang see the group approaching them. It was Willow, Whitley, Jet, Pietro, and walking behind them with a smirk was Qrow Branwen and Winter who looked on proudly.

"Uncle Qrow!" Yang and Ruby shout as they tackle the man who laughs at the action.

"Come on you two." He says with a smirk. "Tackle me too hard and I might need a hospital."

"Oh ha ha." Yang says sarcastically causing Ruby to giggle.

Winter walks up to Weiss as she lifts Hope up. "That battle was..." Winter pauses. "Interesting." She decides. "Though it is good to see my own blood doing so well in the tournament. I don't believe I saw a single strike missed."

Willow looks to Qrow questioningly. He looks to her with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Do Huntsman and Huntresses usually get lectured for missing strikes?" She asks.

He snorts. "Only if the one lecturing is someone with a stick up their..."

"Stop!" Ruby interrupts. "Child Present remember?"

Qrow widens his eyes a bit looking to Weiss who was glaring at him. "Um... well..." he looks back to Willow who was unamused by his vulgar words. "You got the gist."

Winter grabs Qrow by the ear harshly causing him shout in pain. "We could also understand who you we're insulting." She says harshly.

Qrow bats her hand away. "Sheesh, Do all Atlas Specialists treat people like this?" He jabs. Winter growls in anger. "Chill out Ice Queen."

Weiss face palms. "Oh boy..." She mutters while Ruby snorts. Yang flicks the side of Ruby's head lightly.

"What did you call me?!" Winter shouts.

Qrow raises an eyebrow. "So now you get angry at the nickname? I've been calling you that for years now." He states. "Never seemed to bother you before."

Willow stepped between the two putting her hands to their chests. "Alright you two can we please not have a fight here?" She asks.

Qrow looks to her then frowns rolling his eyes. "Whatever." He says before turning and walking away pulling out a flask from his coat. Willow watches with a saddened expression knowing the reason for his drinking. Having recently started taking steps to ending her own drinking problems she felt pity for the man. After all, he had lost far more than her, and he blamed himself... and his Semblance.

Winter turned her head away from the man in disgust. "Dam drunk." She mutters to herself.

"Did we come at a bad time?" Came the sound of Neptune's voice. Everyone turned to him and Sun as the two were approaching with Neptune scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Neptune!" Weiss nearly shouts upon seeing him. She then flushes in embarrassment before clearing her throat and walking up to him with a small smile. Hoping to ignore the fight that nearly happened between her Sister and Ruby's Uncle.

"Hey Weiss." He greets with a bright smile. "I saw your fight. That was awesome!"

Weiss blushes at the compliment smiling. "Thanks, but it was mostly Ruby's idea." She says.

"Who is he mom?" Hope questions still being carried by Weiss.

Weiss looks her. "Oh, well this is Neptune. He's in the dorm room next to us." She then turns to Neptune who had a look of interest. "Neptune this is my daughter Hope."

"Huh, she looks just like you." He says absentmindedly. "What's up Hope?" He asks with a smile.

Hope frowns before looking up. "A ceiling?" She offers. Yang bursts out laughing along with Sun.

Willow chuckles lightly. "Well she's not wrong." Willow observes.

Blake then walks up to Sun and Neptune. "Is your team in the next match?" She asks.

"Yeah." Sun says. "But we figured we could stop and say hi since it's like directly on the way. "

"Who are you fighting?" Weiss asks looking to Neptune with curiosity.

"I think their called Team JNPR." Neptune answers. "Yeah that sounds about right."

Weiss cringed. As much as she liked Neptune. She didn't have much faith that him or his teammates would be able to beat Pyrrha. Let alone Team JNPR as a whole. This would be interesting.

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