A Day With Mother

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Weiss and Hope walk along the campus halls with smiles on their faces. Inside Weiss' pocket were the Twins. Today Weiss was going to take Hope to the Movie Theatre. Yang had shown Hope a trailer for one on her Scroll and like that she was hooked. Weiss was obviously annoyed at Yang for that, but also thankful. Whether she would admit that or not is completely debatable. The film was titled Child Of The Sky. The film itself was rated for kids so Weiss wasn't worried on that front. She was however still cautious, a little over cautious if you asked the Twins. She was looking for even the slightest hint of danger. Once they reach the bullhead to Vale, Weiss checks her scroll. They had to hurry a little bit if they wanted to see any of the previews.

Yang was rather out of it in the morning. After Weiss took Hope and left she to see a movie Yang got a message from her father. Today she would be with her mother. Finally after all these years she could get the answers she had been searching for. Yet she was afraid to even think of asking. Ruby could see Yang's stress and wanted to help so she sat next to the oblivious Yang and gave a hug from the side.

Yang snaps out of her thoughts and looks to Ruby with a smile. "Thanks Ruby." Yang hugs back for a moment and they part.

"You okay?" Ruby asks.

Yang frowns with a sigh. "I don't know. My mother wants to spend time with me, but..." She buries her head in her hands. Ruby nods in understanding. Then Yang's scroll goes off signaling it was time to go. With a sigh Yang gets up. "Wish me luck sis."

Ruby smiles. "You'll be fine." She says waving it off. Yang chuckles at Ruby's optimism.

Meanwhile in Vale Weiss and Hope enter theater after purchasing two tickets. They had made it with ten minutes to spare. They walk up to the concessions getting popcorn and two waters before going to showing room 11. Once inside they quickly found their seats and waited. The theater was about half filled. Soon the screen flashes to life as advertisements and trailers began to play. Weiss looks over to Hope who is in complete awe. Looking down she saw the Twins who were equally happy. Sharing a single popcorn about twice the size of their heads.

Next the screen shows the raging ocean as lightning strikes. From under the water a giant dragon like Grimm was thrown out. A Feilong if Weiss recalled. It cuts away showing Vale, before cutting again to show three men fishing at the docks. One seems to see something as his eyes widened and he backs up in fear. Off in the distance rapidly approaching we're massive black dorsal fins. It cuts away again as words are showcased. "The King Has Awokan" The next shot showed a massive slightly inaccurate look of Godzilla giving out an inaccurate roar.

The twins gasped at the sight. Weiss knew they Recognized the beast. "What is that?" She whispers to them.

The two look to Weiss. "Later." They whisper back. Weiss nods accepting that.

At Beacon Academy Yang walks through the halls before finally reaching a garden area with a white building at the center in that building sat Raven Branwen in a wheelchair by a table. With a deep breath Yang approaches. Raven smiles upon sight of her daughter.

"Yang." She greets. "You made it."

Yang held a look of nervousness as she sat across form her mother. "It took me a bit to find this place." She admits. "Never been to this part of the school."

Raven chuckles at that. "I suppose that's understandable. Either way your here now, and we have a lot to talk about."

In Ozpin's office Willow, Amber, and Glynda wait for the headmaster and General Ironwood to return. They planned to discuss the next move on Battra.

"I still don't understand." Amber states. "Can't Atlas just shoot it out of the sky?"

Willow shakes her head. "No. Our weapons would have no effect on it."

Glynda sighs. "Our only hope is, well Hope. Once she's strong enough and old enough she'll have to fight it."

Willow puts her hand to her chin in thought. "Magic like what the maidens have, and Ozpin's could harm it as well." She suggests.

"As would miss Rose's silver eyes." Glynda states. "Though only two of those options have the potential to succeed, and Miss Rose much like Hope is not ready for that."

Willow walks over to the window with a sigh. "We are running out of time."

Weiss and Hope walk out of the theater with big smiles on their face. Hope was practically skipping causing Weiss to giggle at Hopes antics. "Did you like the movie?" Weiss asks.

"It was awesome!" She cheers. "The way she saved everyone, and flew around! Do you think I can be like her one day?"

Weiss' smile softens. "If you put your mind to it... You will." Weiss then turns on her scroll to see a message from Yang.

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