Caffeinated Addiction

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Coco Adel, Leader of Team CFVY woke up with a headache. So she got up from the top bunk closet to the window and walked over to the teams coffee maker. She desperately needed a some caffeine and she also liked to stay on brand hence the coffee maker. Velvet had once commented on the irony of that, but it didn't bother Coco in the slightest.

Still in a custom light brown t-shirt with her insignia on it which took an appearance of a golden crosshair she set up and started the coffee maker. She was also wearing a dark brown nearly black pair of sleep shorts and her hair was a mess. This is why she tried to get up earlier than the others as often as she can. While the coffee maker was running she went over to the team dresser, grabbed one of her outfits, and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before getting dressed.

After a few minutes she was showered and dressed in her usual outfit. A long, cocoa-colored shirt with an upturned layered frill collar with a black single strapped waist cincher. She wears black trousers that have golden lining around the pocket and ribbons attached to the back of a golden zipper seam around her knees. A black golden studded belt is hidden by a large cocoa-colored belt with gun cartridges on the left side and a large golden buckle of her insignia. She also wears a pair of dark black, high-heeled leather calf-high boots with golden buckles.

Coco was still putting on some accessories and haven't done much with her hair yet. She walked back over to the coffee maker putting on the finishing touches with her accessories while hanging her black wire rimmed aviator glasses on to her shirts collar. With that done she grabbed a cup and poured herself some coffee.

"Come to mama." She whispers in delight. With her coffee acquired she took a look to her teammates. Yatsuhashi was snoring lightly while hugging his pillow which nearly made Coco cough up her coffee, but she managed. Velvet was sleeping soundly on her side with her bunny ears twitching every now and then. Finally she looked at Fox who was apparently awake listening to music with some earbuds in.

Coco shrugs at the normalcy and decides to ready herself for class. That's when she finally realized she was in her usual outfit when she needed to be in her Beacon Academy school uniform. She grit her teeth before giving an agitated sigh.

"Forgot about the uniform again?" Came Fox's voice in a teasing manner.

"Zip it Fox." Coco says lowly. She then looks back to him. "Wait... how do you keep doing that?"

"It's a gift." He says. "Also I'm trying to find the music app but I don't know what app I'm on. So I've heard everything for the past thirty minutes."

Coco rolls her eyes before walking over to him. "Here let me help." She orders. Fox hands over the scroll and she finds that he had some how gotten onto the CCT Network search engine and had typed in a large number of random letters. "Forgot about the button?" She teases gaining revenge for his teasing a few moments ago.

"I hit it a few times." He says with a shrug.

After a quick navigation to the music app she hands him his scroll back. "Why didn't you use the voice command feature?" Coco asks.

"You three were sleeping." He answers. "I didn't want to wake you guys."

Coco smiles at his reasoning. Though unfortunately fate decided to have someone knock on the door. The noise woke both Velvet and Yatsuhashi causing Coco to sigh. "I got it." She says.

Walking over to the door she takes another sip of her coffee. She then opens it to see General Ironwood.

"Ah, Miss Adel correct?" Ironwood asks kindly.

"That's me." She says with a smirk. "What can I do for you General?"

"I have a mission for your team." He informs. "If your interested."

Coco smiles at that and was about to accept right then and there no questions asked but Velvet spoke up. "What kind of mission sir?" She was definitely still tired and in her PJ's. Behind her Fox and Yatsuhashi approached as well.

"What I can tell you is that the mission will be to investigate an outpost that's gone dark." Ironwood states. "After that I can only give you more details if you accept the mission."

Coco looks over to her team with a raised eyebrow. She saw them each nodding to each other and making gestures. She scowled as she realize they were having a conversation through Fox's telepathy without her.

Eventually they turned to Coco nodding. With narrowed eyes out on her aviators before turning to look back at Ironwood. "We accept." She says.

"Good." Ironwood smiles in what Coco could tell was relief. "Get your things and be at the landing pad in two hours. I'll see you four then."

As the General left the team began getting their clothes and gear. Along the way Velvet stopped with an 'Oh!'. "We have to inform someone about the dance preparations in case we don't get back in time." She stressed.

"What about Team RWBY?" Fox offered.

"Don't they have to take care of Hope?" Yatsuhashi asked with a raised eyebrow.

Fox shrugs. "Ah right." He had forgotten about that. "JNPR?"

Velvet sighs. "Maybe. I trust Pyrrha Jaune and Ren." She admits. "I'm just a bit worried about Nora."

Down In Mantle, Atlas

Adam Taurus stood on a rooftop with his scroll in hand. On it was a swirly W. "Did they take the bait?" Adam asks.

"Yes." The man on the scroll answers with irritation. "Unfortunately however it's not everyone we wanted. Most of The Ace Ops are staying at the Academy. Had this been any other headmaster this would have been perfect, but at the vary least the one member is leaving."

"Should I be worried?" Adam asked with a chuckle.

On the other end the man broke into laughter. "Hardly. This was simply a test to see how James would respond, but it appears we'll need to give him more incentive."

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