VIII- Sam- Please don't talk like Gollum.

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"Ughhhhhhh." I woke up, my brain fuzzy. My vision was blurry, and then cleared. I was literally in a stone cave.

The sand on the floor was damp. "Gods, this is so stereotyped." I thought. 

My ankles and wrists were bound to chains which were attached to the craggy rock. I tugged at them futilely, and there was no change.

"What the flip-" I muttered.

Littered around was decaying matter. 

I puked. The stench was overwhelming. My friends were all unconscious, but alive and in the same room (cave, dungeon) as me. I snorted derisively. Then groaned, because my sinuses had almost died. "Aw, man."

I hoped they would wake up, but nada. Whatever they must have given to us must have not worked as well on me as it had for the others. 

During the 'fun' wait, I scanned my surroundings. A few scales were among  the matter. "Rebels," I thought. Nagas who didn't want to work for the Kauravas. When my friends didn't wake up, I took matters in my own hands. 

I summoned my wind mace, which was in the form of a watch on my wrist. When I had woken up, I was surprised to see it on me. "Fools." I muttered. I swung it, but it wasn't working. No roar of wind. No sand scattering. 

"No, no, no..." They'd broken my mace. Not broken, most likely, but this could've been a magical dead-zone. I couldn't wake them up with a breeze, so I tried to crawl to them. It was a bit awkward, since the length of the chains was unequal. 

I shook my brother. "Sid. Sid!" I whispered. He wasn't waking up. 

"SID!!" I roared.


"We're trapped, in case you didn't notice."

He gave me a famous look that I knew as: Cool it on the sass

Trust me, I'd gotten it many times. 

"We need to figure out how to escape. Remember, our sister?" I demanded.

"Shut up."


"I'm thinking."

A lock slowly unlocked, and I hissed to my brother, "Play dead!"

He obeyed, and I tried to play dead too.

Unfortunately, the naga who came in saw my eye twitch, and rounded on me.

He was wearing astronaut helmet thingies and smiled at me. "Theivesie has woken up, hasn't he?"

"Look bro, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't talk like Gollum." 

The naga scowled, and said, "Who? And I notice you tried to use the mace. I wouldn't try to do that, this dungeon is a magical dead- zone." 

"How did you get in here? And those helmets?" I countered.

"Special keycards." he said coolly. 

Okay..... I may have had an idea. A little voice whispered in my head, telling me what to do. Sounding uncannily like my sister's. 

I kicked, aiming at the naga's face, and the helmet disappeared. He looked mildly disgusted at the smell. It would have been a few minutes before he passed out. I didn't have few minutes. I squeezed my eyes shut, and concentrated. A wisp of air was all I needed. A gentle gust blew in, and directed the stench to the naga's nostrils. 

He fainted, and I grabbed his key card, while covering my nose, and swiped it on the lock near the entrance. Immediately, my mace reactivated, and I blew gusts of wind to wake the others.

They all woke up with yawns. "What the heck happened?" Nilan said sleepily.

"I took down a naga on my own." I said. 

"Can we wait here a bit? And recover our strength? In case there are more nagas outside." Sid asked.

"Yeah ok." I said, and made a vortex of wind so any of the stench of death wouldn't come to us, and make us pass out.

"We need to bind him up." I said. 

"Yeah ok, I think I can do that." Karnya said. 

She stretched her arms outward, and the ground rumbled. Gold began to swirl, and form molten chains. They solidified, and bound the naga. Karnya also put a bit of magic to keep it bound there.

"Let's go." I said, hoping that anymore mad naga officials weren't there outside.

"Well, we completed the prophecy." Sid said. "What?" I sputtered. 

"Be warned, after the crown, the town of Naga- Loka's officials, would like to add you to their kills. Like to." Sid said. 

"Oh..... That's nice."

"Yeah. Well, let's go. Your vortex may not be working too well. My nose is hurling curses at me." Sid said.

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