XI- Sid- CPR?! I hate you.

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Fate seemed to be agreeing with me that day. As I had said, the Ocean was guarded by a skeleton crew. We couldn't see any guards at the entrance, but as soon as I walked past the gates, I was shocked. 

Literally, by electricity. Five minutes later, I woke up, with my head pounding, and my clothes singed. 

"What happened?" I said groggily.

"You collapsed. I had to do CPR on you." Sam said.

"YUCK!" I said, spitting on the ground. 

"Don't think it was joyful for me.." Sam muttered. 

"How do we get in there, though?" I asked, massaging my jaw.

"One sec." Sam said. He walked over to the pillars, and touched them. The wind stirred, and a gap was made through the electrical portal that I had gone through.

Sweat traced the side of my brother's face, and we ran through the gap, him last.

The cream of the Ocean lapped my ankles, and exhilaration coursed through me.

We were going to rescue my sister.

"Yayy. Now how do we breathe underwater?" I demanded.  

Sam took care of that too. He summoned gusts of wind to create vacuums for us. "To help us breathe," he said, stating the obvious.

We swam to the bottom of the Ocean, the pressure not troubling us. Our feet touched the soft seafloor, and my feet sunk into the sand. We were outside the all- too- familiar golden dome, which protected the courtyard. Before, it had been filled with rakshasas and asuras, but now it was empty. The only problem was that two burly rakshasas were guarding the door to the dome. 

I quietly unsheathed my sword, and we all sneaked up on the monsters. The monsters' backs were facing each other, and, to avoid a bloody fight, Karnya and I beheaded both of them quickly and cleanly. Sam used his wind mace to scatter the dust which the monsters became.

I entered the dome cautiously, rolled on the floor, and reached the other end of the dome. When I got up, I saw that the others were on the other side of the dome. Sam's eyebrows had disappeared under a mop of bushy hair. 

"What?" I said. "There might have been booby traps!"

Sam rolled his eyes, and all five of them simply walked over to the other end of the  dome. 

Karnya conjured up a key, and then, the door opened with an ominous creak. Sitting inside a dungeon-like room, looking faint and emaciated,  was my sister.

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