XIX- Aranya- Our return and the change of the World.

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We returned to a mortal world of terror. The mortals didn't even know it, which made it all the more worse. 

Nilan's parents acted totally indifferent that their son was dead. Probably because I had a part in it. I created an illusion to ensure that his parents would never know he actually, well, existed. 

The Kauravas were already abusing their new powers. The sky would rumble and turn red during anytime of the day, and the sea would churn out actual corpses, which put everyone in a panic mode.

Meanwhile, there were more deaths than usual, mostly where there were crowds of mortals gathering, or where a Celestial World ceremony was being held, disguised in the eyes of the mortals.

Rebels, I thought, which sent a strange surge of pride through me. It instantly deflated, and I felt ashamed for being proud. One daughter, son, husband, wife, wouldn't go back to their families. All because of them.

Meanwhile, the gods? In hiding. The Pandavas? Incognito. The world was in peril right now, and its heroes were hiding. Not all of them, though. Someone was helping us. The more mortals were attacked, the more Celestial Beings died. In the same place. Coincidence? I don't think so.

But all we could do was wait, until our mysterious warrior appeared. Gods, I had hoped it was Nilan. If it wasn't? I had failed him. 

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