XXV- Sid- Damn, recruiting is hard. Not until favourites were played.

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I really pity recruitment companies. It's so hard trying to find the best fit for your job/army. We walked discreetly through the Hub, looking around for possible soldiers for our army. 

Before, the Hub had been colourful, and full of life. Now, it was dull, and people moved around, whispering, scared for their lives. 

I was wondering who to trust, when Aranya said, "Let's go to the yakshini who gave us our shadow-gifts." I was not fancying going there, since the stall was run by a creepy lady who meddled with shadows and gave dire and unhappy warnings to the poor people who visited her stall. 

I shuffled forward slowly, hoping Aranya would be the first to enter, but the old crone was expecting us, and greeted us at the doorway. "Hello, children. Are you enjoying my gifts?"

They all mumbled their assent, but I couldn't, since she hadn't given me a gift, saying it would 'make no sense'. 

"We were-" "I cannot, child. I am too old to be doing such things, fighting wars, and whatnot. However, I can supply weapons. Shadows, for your whole army. And for you, Saraswati, since I like you, I shall give you the power to see through shadows. Glean people's secrets, understand what they are. Make sure their hearts are pure, and intentions good."

A dark power swept around her, and her skin absorbed it. Her eyes, which use to be coffee- brown, now had traces of pure black shadow in them. She looked older, more mature, and now like a teenager, rather than a twelve-year-old. 

"But this blessing comes at a terrible price." the yakshini said, looking solemn. "Whosever's past you shall glean, that knowledge shall stay with you. I entrusted this boon to you, since you are a clairvoyant, and have some knowledge how to handle this power. However, I warn you. Do not let this boon become your bane," she whispered seriously. 

Aranya nodded, and we walked out of the lady's shop, feeling a little spooked out. We immediately passed a person, and Aranya's eyes momentarily flashed pure black.

Twirling a dark brown strand of hair around her finger, she said, "We've found the first candidate for our army."

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