XXX- Aranya- Will peace really last for long?

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The dance was amazing. The devas were holding a party to celebrate the end of the Kauravas. 

It was a mix of the parties a classmate of mine held (they were wild) and heaven. However, the crowd there seemed nervous and tensed.

As soon as I, or any of my friends or cousins passed them, they would stare at us, pale faced. We left, the whispers would break out again.

We were being treated like heroes, but I felt more like an outcast. Never mind, I thought. Let them be. We defeated the Kauravas and we deserve a break.

I had a gut feeling that the whispers were due to the prophecies I had issued on the quest. Everyone had dire warnings, theories, questions passing about from ear to ear.

But none were as important as this question on everyone's lips: "Will peace last for long?"

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