XIII- Nilan- I'm taking a great risk here..

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Dumbfounded, we stared at him. "The solar eclipse! The protectors of the Celestial World won't be there! That's when they'll attack." Aranya exclaimed. 

Startled, I stared at her. "Long story," she said. 

Then, she gripped the armrests on the armchair she was sitting on, and spewed another prophecy,  "The sun shan't shine, when he of Time, shall disappear. But fear not, he shall not rot. The reunion of Death and  Wisdom, shall greatly induce pain on the blood of the sun." 

The Pandavas stared at her. "Now what?" she asked, exasperated. "You just issued a prophecy. You also did in the dungeon." I blurted. 

"Oh. Well, I can't control it, it's like a fever." Yudhishthira seemed to develop a great interest in his fingers, more than any normal immortal should. "This.... shall be an asset in the war."

he said. "Why, thank you." Aranya said dryly. "To avoid wasting time, we need instructions."

"Oh yeah. You, shall go to Mrityuloka. Fight until you cannot. Bring back the spirits under Yama's control." Yudhishthira said, pointing at me. "And...... if we can't... what will happen.." Aranya asked, her voice quavering. "Most likely Death will fade. I am sure, the herald whom the Kauravas appoint as the new Death will let the spirits go free. There will be no Death."

Aranya looked close to tears. "Don't worry. We'll win." I said, trying to sound confident. 

I turned my attention to Yudhishthira, who also happened to be my son. I know. Ew, right! I lie too much about homework for Yudhishthira's 'no lying' aspect to be inherited from me. In this form at least. 

"How do we go? A portal?" Yudhishthira shook his head. "It's too dangerous. They'll have some protective enchantments set around Mrityuloka... Your best bet is to go to the Hub." "The.... what?" "The Hub. It's where you can get enchantments and all."

"So what you're saying is we take a portal to the Hub, and then get armour, and go to Mrityuloka?" I summarized. Aranya fake- clapped in fake- admiration and said, "He advanced so fast! I expected another 6 months at least." My face turned a delicate shade of beetroot. 

The rest snickered, while Yudhishthira slow-clapped and said, "You need to go now."

"...Yeah."  We summoned a portal to 'the Hub'.

And what hit me was a little slice of craziness.

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