I- Karnya- Well this was a fail

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CREAK. The rusted joints of the swing were going to give away. But I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore.

My hood covering half my eyes, I saw kids playing in the park. I was nostalgic for the old days with my friends.....

We had been going on many missions since the past week. Since she was taken. We had to check about increased monstrous activities in the past week. And there were. We just couldn't make it in time.

Gradually, as it darkened, all the families left. Only one kid remained, playing on the monkey bars. He struck me as suspicious. 

There was this gleam in his eyes that was definitely unearthly. I toyed with the idea of calling my friends and confronting him, but I decided not to. We had to be discreet.  

I approached him, and he backed away from me. His eyes were definitely weird now. I looked around to see whether any mortals were there, and there weren't. 

I summoned my sword, and the kid hissed at it. He jumped very high, and came back down, with half of his body a snake. I flung my sword at it, but he just ducked, and pushed me on my back. I held onto its forearms, and it said, "I know where your friend isssss. But just listen to me."

My heart soared, and I thought, "He knows where Aranya is!" But that rational part of me, said, "He can kill you if he wants. It could be a trick."

Then, out loud, I angrily said back to it, "Shut up. No fudging way am I going to let you trick me." and then smoothly cut off its head with my sword.

As I left the park, there was a tiny thing prickling on my skin, like a mosquito bite, the guilt of which I could've found out where Aranya was.

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