{1} Rivals X for X Survival

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Fearsome monsters... Exotic creatures... Rare species... Vast riches... Hidden treasures... Evil enclaves... Unexplored lands... The world unknown holds magic... and some incredible people are drawn by this force... They are known as... Hunters!

I walk with my navigator, Aritra, who leads me into Zaban City where she says the Hunter Exam will be taking place. The city is packed with people and vendors lining up and down the streets. I think about checking out the vendors, but I already have a backpack slung over my shoulder, filled with things I thought I might need during the exam. As we get further into the city, my anticipation grows. I'm so excited to see Gon again, I can't wait.

"And here we are," Aritra tells me. "This is the place."

We're standing outside of a small, rundown, old restaurant. It could easily be overlooked. "Really, this is the place?" I ask, unsure if this is another test or not.

"Yep." She nods. "You wouldn't expect the Hunter Exam to be held here, so here is exactly where it is." Well that does make sense I guess... especially with that huge building next door to conceal this place. I glance in its direction. As luck would have it, and I usually don't have any, I see my brother standing with two other guys admiring the building. One of them is a rather cute blonde who stands a little taller than Gon. He's wearing a blue tabard with a full-body training suit underneath. The other guy looks to be an old man wearing a cheap navy colored suit and round thin-rimmed glasses, carrying a briefcase.

"My first shot at the Hunters Exam... was this how dad felt when he first arrived?" Gon asks himself optimistically, eyes brimming with confidence.

"Gon!! Hey Gon!!" I call out running over to him.

He looks over at me in astonishment. "Kirahki!!!!!!!" He yells, tackling me to the ground with a bear hug. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"I missed you too, Gon." I smile, hugging him back. It feels like it's been forever.

"It's her! Kurapika! Leorio! It's her!" He drags me over to where his two friends are standing. "This is my sister!" he states proudly.

"Hey, I'm Leorio," the old man greets.

The blonde one seems to be studying me. "Kurapika," He nods.

"You don't look any older than Gon," Leorio says. "You're really gonna take the Hunters Exam?" he enquires with an eyebrow raised.

Ugh, what's that supossed to mean? "I should be asking you that question, old man," I say coolly. Kurapika chuckles.

"I'm not old!" Leorio claims lividly.

"Hey guys, over here," a guy, who I'm assuming is their navigator, calls out. He's standing in front of the restaurant.

"What? This isn't funny! Isn't that just an ordinary restaurant?" Leorio asks him in denial. "You can't possibly mean that Hunter applicants from around the world are meant to assemble here?" Ugh, did I just have the same thought as this old man?

"I do." He nods his head towards my navigator as a greeting. "No one would expect the Hunter Exam with its millions of candidates, to be located here right?"

"That's true," Leorio agrees.

My navigator gestures to me, "Make sure she gets there will ya?" she asks of the other.

"Will do," he accepts. Aritra waves goodbye as she leaves me with Gon's group.

The five of us head into the restaurant. "Welcome," the chef invites us in.

"Is the back room open?" Our navigator asks.

"What will you be having?" The chef inquires.

"The steak combo that opens your eyes to the light. For four... grilled over a low flame until cooked."

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now