{19} Can't X See X Blind

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After we had been walking a ways, Killua and I come across a large mansion sitting amidst the trees. It's so huge, this must be where he lives.

"Master Killua, we've been waiting for you," a butler greets him upon our arrival. "And who is this accompanying you?"

"This is Kira, you don't need to worry about her," Killua quickly breezes through my introduction and moves on to his next question. "Gotoh, where's Gon now? You do know, right?"

"Canary is bringing master Gon along with his two friends, here."

"Really?" Killua asks happily.

"They should arrive shortly, so please wait inside." He opens the door for us to enter, and inside, it's a pretty lavish interior as well. But the more I hear him speak, the more I begin to realize that the butler's voice sounds familiar...

"Okay." Killua stops and turns to his butler with a serious expression. "Gotoh."

"Yes, sir," the butler replies.

"Let me know the second Gon gets here."

He bows in acknowledgement. "Yes, sir. I shall notify you immediately."

Now I remember where I've heard his voice before. "You're the man we talked to on the phone," I say with bitter undertones.

"Yes, that was indeed me," he graciously admits.

I narrow my eyes at him. "You seem much kinder now." Because of Killua's presence I'm sure.

"The lady of the house has instructed us to treat you as guests, so we shall do as such. I apologize for any prior inconvenience."

Inconvenience is that what you're calling it? But he does seem sincere enough, plus the guy was just doing his job. I politely wave him off. "Well I've found Killua now, so it doesn't matter." The two of us head upstairs to wait for Gon and the others to arrive.

<><><><><> >< >< <><><><><>

"So this is where you live," I marvel at the living area we're waiting in upstairs.

"This place? No these are just the servants quarters."

"Really? But this is so big," I glance around the room admiring the whole place.

"Ugh it's going to be boring to just wait around," Killua complains. "Do you have anymore chocolate?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "No sorry, that was it."

"You're not holding out on me again are you?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

I turn my head anyway to try and hide my blush. I can't help but think about how he kissed me before. "Not this time."

He looks frustrated, "Then what are we supposed to do?" He slouches down on the couch when he suddenly notices something, "Baka, you got my clothes all dirty. I just changed." He growls. Since when does he worry about the state of his clothes?

I roll my eyes at him. "You say that like it's my fault."

"It is your fault! And now I'm going to have to change again." He grumbles and turns away to remove his shirt. I'm about to freak out like I had at the river during the Hunter's Exam, but before the words can escape my lips, I notice that he has scars all over his back. Most of the welts are pretty fresh.

"Killua!" I gasp.

"Really," He turns around to look at me, obviously annoyed. "This again?" I notice the scars covering his chest too. "Just close your eyes or something."

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now