{10} Test X of X Resolve

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After the group of five left the room, they had to use majority rule several times... electric quiz, multiple choice labyrinth, mine camps, "Go", etc. No one knew actually how many stairs they went down nor that they had little more than an hour left...

We come to two sets of stairs, one leading up, and the other heading down. We all stop to assess the situation and pause, but only for a moment.

"We should-"

I'm interrupted by Leorio, "Let's go up."

"But wouldn't it make more sense to go down?" I ask him.

"That's why we should go up," He says self-assuredly. "Like you guys were saying before, we have to outsmart the examiners."

"But that was before..." I stare down the staircase that descends below as Leorio climbs up the ascending one.

"It's better we just humor him," Kurapika says putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod and the rest of us follow Leorio.


"Thirty minutes of running, just to end up where we started," Leorio says out of breath.

"We should have taken those stairs down," Killua points out.

"Shut up! We all agreed on this route!" Leorio yells at him, his face seeming to get bigger than normal.

We make our way back to the staircases, and head downwards this time. Suddenly, a giant boulder is released behind us. We all increase or speed, rushing to further our descent as we are chased by a gigantic boulder threatening to squish us into pancakes. We hurry around a corner and it slams into the wall shaking the whole place.

"Man I'm covered in dust," Killua says disappointed.

"Hurry up. We only have an hour left..." Leorio urges.

A little while later, we are greeted by a door. "We're supposed to vote on whether to open the door? We need to move on so obviously, we want to open the door," Leorio says.

Results show up on the door:

O 4 X 1

Leorio glares at me and grabs me by the collar yelling in my face, "It was you, wasn't it! You wanted to get back at me for saying we should go up the stairs."

"No I-"

"Sorry, Leorio. I accidentally pressed the wrong button," Gon admits.

"What?" He's confused for a second. "Oh, I see. You're just covering for your sister."

"I didn't push the stupid button. Now let me go!" I remove myself from his grasp. "Why would I want to hurt my own chances of making it through?"

"Hey, Leorio..." Kurapika pulls on him.

He shoves him away. "Shut up, Kurapika!"

Gon tries to clear the air, "Stop this, guys. It's my fault for pressing the wrong button."

"This is stupid," Killua determines. "I'm moving on." He walks through the threshold.

"Wait, Killua!" Gon calls after him.

"Hey, Gon..." He pokes his head out from behind the door. "We're getting close to the goal."

"What? Really?" He asks eagerly.

We all hurry into the next room. There are two doors, one with an X on it, the other with an O. Killua reads what's written on the wall. "Let's see... This will be the last decision made by majority rule. Are you ready? Choose O or X... That's it."

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now