{14} Refuse X to X Lose

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The ten applicants: Kirahki, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Pokkle, Bodoro, Gittarackur, Hanzo, and Hisoka, head to the Final Phase, having passed the Exam's Fourth Phase.

"Well, lady and gentlemen. Did you get plenty of rest?" The chairman asks us when we land. "This hotel is owned by the Hunter Exam Selection Committee. The place is all yours until the battles have concluded. For the Final Phase, we will be holding a one-on-one tournament. One win is all you need to pass. The winners are removed from competition, while the losers continue up the bracket. In other words, the one who finishes at the top will not pass."

"So your saying only one person will fail," Hanzo clarifies.

"Exactly," the chairman confirms. "And here is the bracket," He pulls off a sheet revealing the match ups. "The battle rules are quite simple. Weapons are allowed. No cheating. If your opponent admits defeat, you win. However! If you kill your opponent, you will be immediately disqualified. All remaining applicants will pass, and the exam will end. Are we clear?"

"Then, we shall begin the exam's Final Phase," one of the referees shouts. "The first match is Hanzo versus Gon. Please step forward."

Gon and I look at each other before he steps up. I give him two thumbs up. "Good luck." He nods and goes to face Hanzo.

"I will serve as the referee. My name is Masta. Best of luck."

"Hey, good to see you again," Hanzo greets him. You were tailing me during the Fourth Phase."

"You noticed?" the referee asks in astonishment.

"Naturally... I'm assuming that each applicant was assigned an examiner for the Fourth Phase. Well, I'm sure everyone else noticed."

I was kind of focused on other things at the time. Like not dying, and... My eyes wander to the person standing next to me. I tug on Killua. "You noticed right?"

"Of course."

Kurapika looks at Leorio. "I thought it wasn't worth mentioning."

He seems uneasy, "Yeah..."

"Moving on... I have a question for you." Hanzo asks the ref, "We only win if our opponent surrenders, correct? It doesn't count if we knock them unconscious. No TKOs allowed, either."

"Yes, that is correct," Masta confirms. "Now then, it's time to begin... Begin!"

Gon starts out by using a quick step, putting some distance between them. Hanzo must have been faster than he was expecting because it takes him by surprise when Hanzo appears in front of him. He strikes my brother hard on the back of his neck and he falls to the ground.

"Gon!" I yell out.

"Well this would already be over if this were a normal fight..." Hanzo says. "You must feel terrible. I hit you hard enough to make your brain bounce around. Do you understand? You have no chance against me. Might as well give up now..."

"No way..." Gon refuses, trying to come back to his senses.

Hanzo whacks him in the head. "Think about it. If you surrender now, you'll still be in decent shape for your next fight. There's no reason to be stubborn. Just surrender."

"Never gonna happen!" Gon says firmly.

Hanzo punches him sending him to the ground again. "Surrender."

I have a hard time watching this. Gon struggles to get back on his feet. As soon as he's halfway there Hanzo punches him right in the stomach and he hits the floor again. I clench my fists trying to keep my anger under control. I can feel that my eyes have already turned scarlet.

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now