{6} Decision X by X Majority

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Dawn breaks as the airship carrying Kirahki, Gon, and their friends approaches its destination. The Third Phase of the Hunter Exam is about to begin.

Mr. Beans gathers the remaining candidates to make an announcement. "Everyone, the exam's third phase will begin here, at the top of trick tower. To pass this phase you must reach the tower's base alive. The time limit is 72 hours. With that, we will now begin the Third Phase. Best of luck to everyone." After the briefing, the airship takes off leaving all the applicants stranded on top of Trick Tower.

The four guys are looking out over the tower's edge. It's a looooooonnnnngg way down. "Are we supposed to climb down?" Leorio asks.

Kurapika is the first to point out, "There are no windows on the side, descending along the wall, it's surly suicide."

A man wearing the number 86 interrupts the conversation, "Maybe for a normal person." I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever really noticed him. "But a top‑class rock climber, like me, can handle this, no problem," he says confidently as he starts to descend down the side of the tower.

"Wow," Killua says plainly as he watches 86 decline lower. He's actually getting quite far.

"He's going pretty fast," Gon states slightly astonished.

"Looks like I'll be the first one to pass the Third Phase," number 86 says aloud with certainty.

Sounds can be heard off in the distance. Is that the flapping of wings? It's hard to make out because it's unlike any bird I've ever heard before. I survey the skies searching for the source of the noise. Flying pink and red figures are making their way towards trick tower. They begin to attack the man who had climbed down the wall. "Stop! Stay away!" he screams below. One of them grabs number 86 and flies off with him in its mouth. "Help!" is all that can be heard as his screams fade away. Poor 86.

"G-Guess we can't climb down the side," Leorio says nervously, clutching his briefcase tightly to his chest.

"Yeah," Killua agrees coolly.

Kurapika appears to be contemplating something, "There must be some hidden doors that lead below."

While my friends are talking, I notice a spider crawling towards me on the ground. Ewe I shudder and without hesitating I stomp on it to squish it. As I do this, the tile I'm standing on flips and I fall down into the hole it opens.

"Kirahki!" I hear my brother and friends shout, then I hit the ground HARD.

"Ow," I groan. I feel a stabbing pain shooting through my arm. It's hard to move but still manageable. I push myself up with my good arm and look around to try to figure out where I landed. "Well there's no going back up," I say looking up to where I had just fallen from. The ceiling had sealed itself where my tile had been. If only I hadn't stomped so hard. My bad luck strikes again. Stupid spiders.

I look around the room seeing only a small table and an inscription on the wall. I can hear the sound of footsteps above and voices counting, "One...two...three..." The ceiling opens above and four people come crashing down, one of them face planting on the floor.

"Gon?" I ask as I realize the four people in front of me were the friends I had just left up above. Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio (who had landed on his face) were there too.

"Kira!" my brother cries and runs over to me scooping me up in a bear hug. "I thought maybe you'd beat me to the end," he says pursing his lips pretending to pout.

"That was quite a brief farewell," Kurapika says.

Leorio's thinking out loud, "Oh, so all the doors led to the same room..."

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now