{17} A X Dangerous X Watchdog

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Kirahki, Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika have arrived in the Dentora region of the Republic of Padokea, where Killua lives.

We hop on a tour bus until we reach the front gate of the Zoldyck estate. "It's also known as the door to Hades," our tour guide explains of the huge black gate standing before us. "Because no one's who's entered has ever returned alive. To enter, you must pass through the door beside the security check point. But the area beyond the gate is private property, so we can't proceed."

The tour guide goes on to explain that the Zoldycks own Kukuroo Mountain and it's surrounding lands. She insists that if someone goes inside the gates, they will most certainly meet their untimely demise. Just as she says this, two shady dudes walk past interrupting her saying that it's all just a sham, and claim that even a just picture of one the Zoldycks is worth a hundred million. Leorio is kicking himself for not taking a picture of Killua.

The two goons think they have what it takes to kill the Zoldycks. They break down the door to the guard station and harass the guard, stealing the key to the small wooden side door. Thinking they're hotshots, they go through the threshold beside the guard station bragging about their skills, and how they are going to 'take care of' the Zoldycks. Shortly after they enter, terror stricken screams can be heard from over the gate. Moments later, a giant clawed hand emerges from the small door, leaving only the bounty hunters skeletons remaining as it sets them back outside the entryway. This frightens all of the tourists and sends them running back onto the bus at fast as they can. However, my friends and I stay behind. We have to get to Killua, no matter what.

We explain our situation to the guard, but he denies us the key saying that he can't send Killua's friends off to their death and he tells us of Mike, the Zoldyck's watch dog. Kurapika's the first one to figure it out. He realizes that the "security guard" is really just there to clean up after Mike. It's a misdirection and the real gate isn't even locked.

We all watch as Leorio struggles with his attempt to open the front gate. It doesn't move an inch. "I've tried pushing and pulling but it won't budge!" He says frustrated. "Are you sure it isn't locked?"

"You just aren't strong enough," the guard causally informs him.

"That's absurd! I've been using all of my strength."

"Just watch." Zebro takes off his button up shirt so it's just his tank top underneath, and lays it on the ground. "The gates official name is the Testing Gate. Anyone who can not open this gate is unworthy to enter the Zoldyck estate." He demonstrates opening the gate, using all his strength to do so. When he lets go, the gate quickly shuts. "As you just saw, the door closes automatically, so you'll want to get in fast, as soon as it opens. You don't need to worry about Mike. He has orders not to attack any who enters through the Testing Gate." He wipes the sweat from his forehead. "Still this is getting tougher as I age. But they'll fire me if I can't open the gate, so I need to keep in shape. I should mention that the first two doors weigh two tons each."

Leorio stares at him with dismay. "Two tons? You're supposed to be able to open that!"

"There are seven in all," Zebro continues to inform us. "The tonnage doubles with each set of doors. The more force you put in, the more doors you open. Incidentally, when young master Killua returned, he opened three of them."

Gon's impressed as he thinks about how much weight that is. "Three? Which means twelve tons!"

"It's sixteen tons, Gon." Kurapika corrects him.

"All seven doors... " My eyes widen with realization. "But that's a total of 256 tons! Which makes it 512,000 pounds! Damn they're really that strong, aren't they?"

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now