{9} The X Tiny X Room

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During the exam's Third Phase, which requires applicants to reach Trick Tower's base within 72 hours, the five friends have incurred a penalty of fifty hours.

"Good grief. We have to spend fifty hours in this room?" Leorio complains.

"Killua," Kurapika asks.


"Can you tell me how that technique works?"

"Technique?" He looks confused.

"The one you used to instantly remove his heart."

"Oh, that wasn't even a technique. I just ripped it out," Killua says casually. "But to make it easier, I manipulated my body a bit." He holds out his hand making his finger nails grow longer and small dark veins pop out of his skin.

"Your nails..." Leorio says nervously.

Gon is amazed, "Wow!"

"They look sharp," I say as I gently poke one of his nails. The simple touch is enough to break through the skin on my finger and a drop of blood falls to the floor. I think back to the first time I felt the sharpness of his nails on my skin. Even after watching him rip Johness's heart out, I'm still not afraid of him. After all, he said he didn't want follow in his family's footsteps.

"Mass murders are still only amateurs," Killua shrugs. "I used to be a professional. But my old man would have done better. When he removes a heart, you won't see even a drop of blood."

"How reassuring," Leorio gets chills down his spine.

Kurapika whispers quietly to himself, "As long as he's on our side..."

"Well, then," Killua looks at the clock counting down the hours on the wall. "We have more than two whole days."

"What should we do, Killua?" Gon asks him.

"First, we should search the room for any kind of entertainment."

"Yeah!" He agrees excitedly and the two of them venture off searching the room.

"Man, you kids don't have a care in the world," Leorio says taking a seat on one of the couches to rest.

Kurapika goes to the bookshelf and randomly selects a book. We have fifty hours... I guess now is as good a time as any. I watch him take a seat and crack open the book. To let him finish the book, or to not let him finish? I take a deep breath. "Kurapika..."

He peers up at me. "Yes?"

"Umm..." I look at the ground staring at my feet.

"How can I help you?" He asks setting the book on a nearby table.

"Well I... promise you won't be mad okay."

"Why would I be mad?" he inquires.

"It's just... I-I don't really know how to tell you..."

"Tell me what?" He questions getting up from the chair, restless of my stalling. "What is it?"

I stare at him for a few moments not saying anything. He calmly waits for me to respond.

"I..." I take another deep breath and force my eyes to turn scarlet.

His eyes widen and he takes a step back. "How...?"

I can't help but feel a tad bit guilty. "I don't know, they've always—"

Before I can even finish he pushes me up against a wall and rips the tape off of one of his swords taking it out of the wooden sheath, bringing the blade to my throat. How do I always end up in these situations?

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now