{12} An X Explosive X Situation

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Sitting atop of a tree, Kirahki devises a plan to get her target's tag. She knows someone is watching her, they've been tailing her since she departed from the ship.

A gentle breeze blows around the tree, rustling its leaves. It blows through my hair and allows me to sense the intentions of the person who has been trailing me. I don't feel an overwhelming sense of alarm, which means they don't intend on killing me yet. It's only the first day... that would make things pretty boring. I'll let them think they have me until they change their mind. It will also help keep me on my toes.

I hear a disturbance coming from below. Someone's not too far off. It sounds as if something is chasing after them. Keeping myself hidden, I prepare for what's coming.

A female runs past my tree below. A gigantic wild boar is rushing after her. Well, I'm probably not her target since someone else is tailing me... so I think I'll help. I leap from the tree and land directly on top of the giant boar. It freaks out, trying to buck me off. Good I have its attention. I force it to run into a tree and it knocks itself out. I hop off rubbing my hands together. Piece of cake.

"I had it you know," the girl looks a little annoyed. She's the one with the minty green hair.

"Only trying to help," I shrug. "You looked like you needed it."

"Not really, I set a trap." She takes out a metal container and opens it. Some kind of gas comes pouring out. I pull my shirt over my nose and cover it with my hands so I don't breathe in the fumes.

"What is that?" I ask as she puts it away.

"Sleeping gas. It would have knocked that thing out cold. I was planning on making it my dinner, but now it seems that I owe you. Care to join me?"

My stomach grumbles answering her question for me. She smells strangely like honey. I haven't really been thinking about eating, but since she mentioned it... "Sure sounds great."

"But first I have to be sure I'm not your target."

"Same goes for you. Though if you were my target, I probably wouldn't have helped you out with that boar. Show each other our cards anyway?"

She agrees and we each show our cards. Hers has the number 103 on it. "Now that that's settled let's cook up this monster," she says kicking the boar.

We build a fire and roast the wild boar. "Mmmmm it's so good," she says taking another bite.

"Yeah, we should have teamed up in the Second Phase. Maybe Menchi would have enjoyed the food more," I joke.

"Yes definitely," she nods and rubs her stomach satisfied. I grab more to eat and soon enough, the boar is pretty much gone. *She sweat drops.* "You sure can eat a lot."

"I was hungry." I stretch my arms. "What's your name anyway?"

"Oh I'm Ponzu. What about you?"

"Kira," I reply handing her one of the flasks of water I kept.

"Thanks... umm do you think we could team up? Just for the night, I'm pretty tired and I don't want someone to sneak up on me while I'm sleeping."

"Huh? Yeah sure I guess. I'll take first watch if you want." The sun is beginning to set so I put out the fire before it can draw more attention to us. She leans up against a tree and tries to get some sleep.

"What do you think of it, the Hunter's Exam?" she asks me.

"Humm... it's been interesting so far. I've met some really cool people too."

"You're always hanging out with those four guys, right? Are you interested in any of them?"

"Yeah," I answer casually. "Well except for Leorio. He's not my favorite, but I guess we're still friends."

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now