{23} Fierce X and X Fercoious

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Shroud: Ten.
The ability to envelop your body in a shroud of Nen aura, making it tougher and considerably slowing the effects of aging.
Null: Zetsu.
A technique that nullifies your flow Nen aura. It is effective for concealing your presence, and recovering from extreme fatigue.
Enhance: Ren.
A technique to create an especially strong Nen aura. This ability is crucial for increasing your power.
Act: Hatsu.
The release of your Nen aura, after using Ren to boost it.
These four elements are known
as the Four Major Principles and are critical to the mastery of Nen. "exercises"

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Gon faces his first match on the 200th floor. But he's been caught off guard
by his opponent's unconventional attack.

The spinning tops all rush towards Gon. He jumps away, hoping to keep out of their reach, but they aren't far behind with their tornado like swirling speed. The commentator calls out match, "And another top hits him from behind! It looks like Gon is in big trouble now, because he's just been surrounded by the Dancing Tops!"

Another of the tops jumps up to attack and hits my brother in the face with enough force to knock him down. "Clean hit and knockdown!" The ref calls. "Two points!"

The commentator keeps up with the action as well, "Gido is up to an early four point lead!"

Killua and I watch the match with anticipation, both sets of eyes glued to ring, as to not miss a thing.

"Can you fight?" The ref asks my brother.

"You bet!" Gon answers him with no hesitation.
He thinks a moment as to what he should do next. He switches tactics and stops avoiding the tops. He stands almost in the center of the ring; waiting and listening, trying to get a feel for the movement of the whirling tops. His Ten starts to fade just as he's rammed in the gut by another top. The force knocks him off of his feet and tosses him all the way out of the ring.

"Another direct hit!" The announcer doesn't shut up,"Gon is completely helpless! He's been knocked clear out of the ring! The score is now 6-0! He's dug himself quite a hole!"

Gon gets up, but stays outside the ring, examining the situation.

"What's wrong? Can you continue on with the match?" The ref asks him, conceded.

"Be quiet!" My brother yells back. "I'm trying to think here."

"If you're not in the ring within a ten-count,
You lose!" Offended by Gon's outburst, the ref's tone turns harsh, "One...!"

Gon continues to think to himself, while he's watching the movement in the ring.


"Why are you standing outside the ring?" My brother questions the ref.

"If I stay in the ring, I'll get hurt," He answers then continues with the count,"Five!" Gon wastes more time as he thinks of his next move.  

"Man, what's taking him so long?" I wonder aloud.


Gon perks up as it appears he's thought of something. He picks up his speed as he rushes back to the arena. "In that case, I don't need to fear the tops. I can ignore the tops, and attack him!" Gon jumps high in the air, over all of the twisting, twirling tops and heads straight for Gido. Gon's foot is outstretched ready to kick Gido and knock him down a peg.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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