{4} A X Surprising X Challenge

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Gon, Kurapika, and I finally reach the Phase Two testing site.

"Looks like we made it in time," Kurapika sighs in relief. We start looking around for Leorio. Gon freezes. He looks in the direction of whatever was bothering him and see's Hisoka watching our every move. He points to his right. Leorio is sitting up against a tree with his face all swelled up from where Hisoka punched him.

"Leorio!" Gon yells out. The three of us run over to him.

"Man, that stings," Leorio says, rubbing his face. "Why am I all beat up? My memory is kind of hazy..."

"Except for your arm, everything seems fine," Kurapika points out.

"Are you mocking me? What about my face?" Leorio asks. I struggle to hold back my laughter.

"We probably shouldn't tell him what happened," Kurapika whispers to us so Leorio can't hear. Gon and I nod our heads in agreement.

"Looks pretty normal to me," I tease.

"Gon!" someone calls.

"Killua!!" he replies excitedly. They high-five.

"I can't believe you actually got here... I thought you were done for."

"I tracked Leorio's cologne."

Cologne? That was how?" Killua looks surprised. "You definitely are weird." I hope he doesn't hate me for what happened in the wetlands...

"Excellent work everyone," Satotz takes the stage. "Phase Two of the exam will occur here, in the Biska Forest Park. So, I shall take my leave. The next phase will begin at noon. Best of luck to all of you."

"So we've got some time..." Killua says with a bored expression on his face.

"Hey Killua..." I start.

"Hmm... what?"

"Can I try out your skateboard?" I ask, thinking he might say no.

"Yeah I guess," he says coolly, handing it to me. "You do know how to ride right?"

"Yes, of course... but can you teach me some new tricks?"

He glances at Gon and shrugs, "Fine."

I smile at him as he takes the skateboard back. The other three guys hang back by the tree. Killua shows me a different variation of the flip he did when he met Gon, and ends it by easily landing on the skateboard. "That should be simple enough." He hands the board to me. Easy for you to say. I take it and attempt to do the move he just did. It doesn't go so well and I end up falling. He catches me before I hit the ground. "Baka, next time I won't catch you." I look up into his eyes... Wow, they are such a deep blue... I blush feeling my heart beat faster.

"I can do it," I reply hopefully, trying to get him out of my head while stepping on the board again. Something goes wrong I end falling a second time. Damn he really didn't catch me. He watches me as I try once more, and fail yet again.

"You really aren't very good at this are you?" he asks me.

I'm about to yell at him when I remember what I really want to ask him about, "You're not mad for what happened in the wetlands are you?"

"I don't care either way," he replies unemotionally. "But..." he hesitates. "What about your eyes?"

"What about them?" I ask trying to avoid the subject.

"They were red."

"Oh that... umm... It happens when I'm angry. Why did I scare you?"

"Not really," he shrugs.

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now