{20} At X the X Arena

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Kira, Gon, and Killua head to Heavans Arena, seeking to get stronger.

"Whoa. Look, it's huge!" Gon exclaims as he looks out the window of the airship at an enormous building.

"Yep. That's Heavens Arena. 251 stories, 991 meters tall," explains Killua. "The world's fourth tallest building.

Gon stares in awe, "So this is where we'll be training..."

I yawn, sitting up and stretching my arms in the air to loosen my stiff muscles from the flight. I join them in gawking out the window at the arena. I have to agree, the building itself is pretty impressive.

"We used pretty much all of our money on the airfare to get here," Killua reminds us. "We just need to make more here. We'll start with a clean slate after we disembark."

"Okay, got it," Gon nods.

Once we land, Killua leads the way off. "Good... let's go."

<><><><><> >< >< <><><><><>

Gon gets distracted gazing up at the building, he doesn't notice the line moving. "Gon!" Killua calls to him, bringing his attention back, so he doesn't end up losing his place.

"There really is a long line," Gon notes. "Everyone's going to Heavens Arena?"

"There aren't any rules here, like there were for the Hunter Exam. You just have to knock your opponent out."

"Oh..." Gon's still pretty amazed by the whole thing.

"The higher you go, the more prize money you earn. This is as good as it gets for those looking to make a living with their fists." Killua's description kind of gets me pumped to fight. This actually doesn't sound too bad at all.

When we make it to the front, a woman in the registration window greets us. "Welcome to Heavens Arena. Please fill out this form." She hands us three separate forms. We quickly fill them out and hand them back to her. "Killua Zoldyck, you are number 2054. Gon Freecss, you are number 2055. Kirahki Freecss, you are number 2056. They'll call your number on the first floor of the arena, so make sure you remember it. Please go on ahead."

When we walk inside, there's several rings in the center for the contestants to fight in, and stands for the audience surrounding the whole thing.

"It's been a while, but the place hasn't changed," Killua seems to be reminiscing as he's hit with a wave of nostalgia.

"Huh? You've been here before?" Gon asks him.

"Yeah, when I was about six. My dad left me here without a penny. He said I had to reach the 200th floor before coming home."

"That's a bit harsh, to leave a six year old alone here. At least you got away from your family for a while."

"Numbers 1974... 2056. Please make your way to ring C." They announce my number.

"Huh? Already... I guess that's me guys. Wish me luck."

I get to fighting ring C and the guy standing before me is pretty huge. There's shouts from the audience telling me to run away, but that's obviously not going to happen. Even though he's quite big, after all the training I went through in order to open the Testing Gate, the question is how much I should hold back against him. 

"Ha!" The large man laughs. "I have to fight a kid for my first match. I wasn't expecting it to be so easy."

The referee ignores him and explains the rules. "First floor contests are used to appraise each participants skill level. You are allowed three minutes to demonstrate your prowess. Now then... Begin!"

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now