{13} Big X Time X Interview

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"The Fourth Phase of the exam has just ended. Will the applicants please return to the starting point at once? You will be given one hour of extra time. If you do not return during this time, you will fail the exam. Furthermore, you are not allowed to exchange tags after reaching the starting point. Anyone caught swapping tags will be disqualified."

Killua and I make it back to the starting point. I look around for Gon but I don't see him anywhere. I can't find Kurapika or Leorio either. I do catch a glimpse of Hisoka though, and he's not wearing his ID tag. Does that mean Gon actually got it? But then, where is he?

"Well I guess we still have awhile," I sigh and start pacing back and forth. Killua is watching me as he leans up against a tree with his hands in his pockets. I continue to pace, worrying about my brother. I don't even hear what Killua's trying to say. My mind is racing with thoughts on how Kurapika and Leorio probably ran into Hisoka and Gon when he was trying to get Hisoka's tag, and Hisoka just got turned on and went crazy, killing all of them.

"Oi, did you hear me?!" Killua grabs ahold of both my wrists, pulling me out of my internal panic. "Stop pacing." His face is only millimeters from mine, which makes my heart beat erratically in my chest.

I start to blush at his sudden closeness. "Sorry, I just..."

"I'm sure he's fine," Killua says putting his hands behind his head. "He seems to like making a last minute appearance."

I think back for a moment and laugh. "Yeah, you're right. He's always got to make an entrance." In that moment, I catch a glint of something on the ground. "Hey what's this?" I pick up the small object, turning it over in my hands. It's an iridescent electric blue stone. It kind of reminds me of Killua's eyes. Killua looks flustered and starts shifting his weight back and forth on his feet. "Is this yours?" I question him. "Did you drop it?"

"I didn't mean to keep that," He replies evasively.

"Why not?" I ask still admiring the stone. "It's so pretty. Did you find this when we were at the river?"

He won't look me in the eye. "If you like it so much, then you take it."

"Really? You're giving it to me?"

He shrugs. "Do what you want with it."

I smile and wrap my arms around him in a hug. He looks surprised and his whole face reddens. "Why do you always do things like that?!"

"It's just-"

"We will now check the tags of everyone here!" Khara announces, cutting off my sentence. I start to go back into panic mode. But my brother's still not here yet!

"Gon!" Killua has turned around and is waving at someone behind me.

I look over my shoulder and breathe a sigh of relief. It's Gon with Kurapika and Leorio following right behind him. "Killua!" He shouts back. They give each other a thumbs up. "Kira!" Gon runs to me and envelops me in a bear hug. "I really missed my sister," his voice is almost inaudible.

I give him a tight squeeze in response. "I'm glad you're here."

"Ah, three more have arrived at the last second." Khara says proudly.

"I trust everything went okay?" Kurapika asks me.

I nod, "Yep, easy-peasy." I'm not sure he'd react well if I told him what actually happened. Honestly, I'm not too sure of what happened myself.

He holds his hand out to me offering an oddly shaped fruit. "Here try this."

"What is that?" I ask with an eyebrow raised. I take it from him and start examining it.

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now