{21} Nen X and X Nen

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The 251 -story, 991 -meter building is a mecca for fighters. When combatants win a fight, they may advance by one class, and receive a corresponding reword. After reaching the 100th floor, you are assigned a private room. After reaching the 200th floor, you receive the right to challenge the strongest fighters, the Floor Masters, in an intense battle for survival. This is the best stage a warrior could ask for.

After Killua fought Zushi, the young Shingen-ryu practitioner, Zushi mentioned the Four Exercises... Kirahki, Gon, and Killua are about to learn the secret of those principles from Zushi's master, Wing.

Wing stands in front of a whiteboard ready to give us an explanation for the answers we seek. "Do I have your attention?" He points to the board where he's jotted down some words. "Nen, or flame, is a power that inflames our souls. In other words this is the strength of your will. And the Four Exercises are a part of a training curriculum that strengthens your will."

Gon looks at board quizzically. "Strengthen your will?"

"Training?" asks Killua in anticipation of getting stronger.

"That's correct." Wing confirms. "Ten, focus the mind on a single point, reflect upon the self and determine the goal. Zetsu means to express, or put it into words. Ren means to temper, to intensify that will. And Hatsu means to release it into action. Ten. Zetsu. Ren. Hatsu. Those are the Four Exercises..." Wing looks toward Killua. "Killua, Zushi tempered his 'refusal to lose', during his fight with you. So, allow me to demonstrate." He pauses only for moment. "Killua... I am going to kill you now. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, sure." Killua responds coolly. "But it's not happening."

Wing readies himself. "Let's go in the proper order. First, Ten." He focuses solely on Killua and continues his explanation, "I focus my mind on a single point. Zetsu. Express yourself mentally or verbally." Wing's stare fills with malice. "I will kill you." He disperses a menacing aura directed at Killua. It's so intense, Gon and I feel it too. It's like being shackled down, having 1000 blades dangling above your head as the walls are closing in around you. I don't like such murderous intent being directed at my friend. My body tenses with anticipation of Wing's next move. In a instant, Killua disappears from view. "That was Ren." Wing explains casually like he isn't currently dispensing an aura of someone who murders kittens. "With enough strength and focus, the will functions as action, or Hatsu." He lowers his hand and his menacing aura diminishes. "If your will is strong enough, you can make your opponent back down, without moving a muscle. The concept of bluffing is derived from this." With Wing's aura lifted, Killua jumps down from the corner of the room. Wing is still mid-exposition. "Ren hardens that which is soft, and you lose the ability to correct an incorrect idea. Therefore, you should avoid using Ren until your soul has matured. Right now, you three and Zushi should be training your soul." 

Killua looks displeased at Wing's explanation. "Let's go, Gon, Kira." He starts walking towards the door to leave. I follow suit. I've had enough exposition for one day.

But Wing still continues on, "If you wish to learn about Nen, you should focus on mastering Ten. If you master Ten, you will no longer feel the pressure of your opponents will."

"Thank you very much!" Gon bows slightly to Wing as he runs to join us. "Wait up, Killua!"

The three of us leave Wing's place behind and start heading back to the arena. Killua tells Gon and me how Wing was hiding something and withholding the truth.

"He was lying?" Gon asks wondering why someone would lie about such a thing.

"Yeah," Killua nods. "The explanation made perfect sense, and Wing is clearly very strong. But it doesn't begin to cover some things..."

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