{16} Some X Brother X Trouble

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"Killua!" I yell running between him and Illumi. Only the three of us remain in the room. I plant myself right in the middle of the two of them. My arms are spread out wide to prevent Illumi from entrancing Killua any further. "Leave him alone!" I shout. I kick Illumi with all the strength I can muster, and send him flying. He crashes through the wall. Wow... I guess I'm stronger than I thought... "Killua," I turn around. He's staring at the ground, hands in his pockets, with his hair covering his eyes. I wrap my arms around him, enclosing him in a hug. He doesn't move. "You idiot, I told you we were friends. You should know that by now."

He raises his head to look at me. "We're friends?"

"Moron, how many times do I have to say it..." I touch my forehead to his. "Before you believe me?"

He winds one of his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. His lips brush against my ear. "But I don't want to be friends," he whispers, making my heart beat faster. He presses his lips to mine. My lips are unmoving at first, but then my body relaxes, and I return his kiss with a sudden urgency. The warmth of his mouth on mine, combined with the softness of his lips; I find myself lost in his arms.

He pulls away and starts laughing coldly. "You actually believed me?" he scoffs. He pushes me away from him, shoving me to the ground. His voice turns heartless, "I'm a better liar than I thought."

I stare at him is disbelief. "That was so mean," I whisper, barely audible.

Even his eyes have no life to them. "Why would I want to be friends you? I don't even like you." He turns his back to me and starts walking away. "You don't have the qualifications to be my friend."


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I blink my eyes open and Menchi is staring me in the face. I jump back a few steps. "Oh good, you're awake," she says. "Did you know that you sleepwalk?"

The dream is still jumbled in my mind. Did I really just dream that I kissed him? I try to ignore it as I don't have the time to worry about that right now. "Where's Gon, is he awake?" I ask.

"Humm... I don't know. Satotz was with him."

"What about Killua where is he?"

She doesn't seem to want to answer my question. "Well you see... h-he's not..."

"Never mind I'll find him," I say running from the room. She was taking too long to explain.

"But wait!" Menchi calls after me. "You should kn—!" I don't wait for her to finish. I dash down the hallway back to the main room. It's completely empty. One of the refs from earlier walks in and I rush over to him.

"Where is everyone?" I inquire.

"In the conference room. It's that way and to the left." He points down a separate hallway.

I say a quick thank you and sprint in the direction he told me. I kick open the doors. "Where is he?!" I ask half yelling.

No one even bothers to look at me. Gon's holding Illumi by the arm. Oh good at least he's okay. "What does matter... if you've been forcing Killua to kill, against his will, all this time, I'll make you pay!" Killua? Kill? That means... Looking around the room I notice two of the contestants are missing, Bodoro and Killua.

"Make me pay?" Illumi asks. "What, exactly, will you do?"

Gon glares at him. "I won't do anything. Only, once I rescue Killua, I'll never let you see him again!"

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now