{22} Awakening X and X Potenial

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As the hour grows late, Wing's lecture has reached it's climax. But they only have until midnight. Gon, Killua, and Kirahki must learn how to use Nen before the clock strikes twelve.


Wing stands before us, giving us the actual explanation for Nen. "Nen is a power that dwells within every single human person, however at the present time, only a few people are capable of using that power. And because of their ability they are treated as geniuses, leaders, psychics, mystics, sages, or even superhumans."

Gon is captivated by Wing's words. "A power that dwells within everyone . . ."

"Yes." Wing nods, content with the fact that we are paying attention. "And there are means by which to awaken this power. But only two." He holds up two fingers to emphasize his point. "Either slowly and carefully, or by force. Zushi opted for the slow and careful method. Not only was he a quick learner, but he trained hard, so he was able to master Ten in a very short time. In about six months."

"But that's way too long," Killua mutters, feeling a mixture of both bewilderment and irritation. "We need to learn Ten and pass Hisoka's Nen barrier before midnight."


Wing's face is serious and his voice remains firm, "Then it seems force is our only option."

"Will it be fast enough?" Killua asks still concerned about our time restraint.

"Exactly how long it takes depends on you, and how well you learn to contain your aura within your body. So let's get to it shall we?" Wing raises his hand, palm out, facing us. "I will begin your training by transmitting my aura toward you. This is known as Hatsu, which I demonstrated earlier." When he crushed the wall, that was Hatsu. This makes a lot more sense than his pervious explanation. "And of course it goes without saying, since I wish you no harm, I will restrain myself as to not destroy your bodies. But this method is still a drastic one. In other words, I will attempt to shock you into awaking it. I will rouse your sleeping bodies with a jolt so you will be able to perform Ten easily. The reason I say sleeping is that your aura nodes are currently closed preventing the free flow of aura. And so you see by transmitting my aura through you I am hoping to jolt those nodes into an open position. Under normal circumstances, you would spend your time training in meditation, learning how to sense your own aura that surrounds you, slowly and carefully allowing those nodes to fully open. Even a natural talent like Zushi required three months to do it. But considering your abilities, you three could have accomplished it in a week or less. Which is why it's unfortunate that we have so little time to work with, that we are being forced to use the drastic method.

"I don't really get it. What's the problem?" Killua inquires.  "I thought faster is always better, isn't it?"

"This method is a cheat and is highly frowned upon. You'd be ignoring the proper steps. If I was inexperienced or harbored any malicious   intent, I could even kill you.

"Yeah," Gon adds. "but you aren't week or evil, so we're safe with you. Right?"

Wing sighs, putting a hand on his head and ruffling his hair. He doesn't seem like he wants to hurt us. I mean if that was the case, why bother teaching us at all?

Killua looks quizzically at the man. "And that's why I've been wondering, what made you suddenly decide to teach us the true four major exercises?"

"Because you are very close to getting it.
If you were to challenge the 200th floor without any of this knowledge, you would suffer greatly. You see, up there everyone knows how to manipulate Nen. And it is customary to initiate any newcomers who are ignorant of Nen, by attacking with it. In other words, they do what I am about to, but without the necessary restraint. They don't care if people die. It's all the same to them. Only those who survive are allowed to pass and are welcome to stay there as the chosen. They have paid the high price for the privilege. That is why it is important for you to be prepared. Now despite my attempts to scare you, I have confidence that this will awaken your power. It is clear you have potential and the ability.
Take off your jackets put down all your belongings and turn your backs towards me."

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now