{8} Time X to X Gamble

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Leorio has volunteered for the fourth round. If he wins, the group's victory is assured. But can he win?

"Okay! I'll finish up the job," Leorio says confidently.

"You should just surrender and leave the wins to the rest of us," I mock him.

"Are you kidding?! You already lost, and if I lose then that only leaves him." He points at Killua.

I bite my tongue, and cross my arms. "I told you already, I'd rather leave my chances with him then you." I walk away to go sit down next to Kurapika. Would now be a bad time to ask him about it?

Leorio glares at me and calls out to the prisoners, "Toss that guy out, and send in your next competitor!"

"We can't do that," one of them calls back. It sounds like a woman's voice. "We can't move him yet, because his match hasn't been settled." She claims that Majitani is still alive, he's just been knocked unconscious, therefore leaving Kurapika's match with him unsettled on the grounds that it was a death match and the guy never actually surrendered. That damn surrender thing... it's so annoying.

"Tak... damned technicalities!" Leorio is obviously aggravated as well. "Hey Kurapika! Go finish off that worthless trash," he advocates.

"I refuse," Kurapika replies placidly.

"Huh? Why?!" Leorio stamps his foot at him in disbelief.

"The fight is over. He'd already lost his will to fight when I punched him. I will not fight someone who's lost."

"Screw that!" Leorio yells. "Then what do we do? They're claiming that the match hasn't ended!"

"Let him handle it. Once he wakes up, we'll have our answer."

"Hey, now... we only have so much time left. We can't afford to just sit and wait!"

"I have no intention of killing him!" Kurapika says firmly.

"Come on!"

"Hey..." Killua interrupts the arguing. "If you don't want to dirty your hands, I'll do it. You haven't ever killed anyone before, right? Are you scared?"

"I have never considered weather murder is frightening." Kurapika answers with his eyes closed. "But this is a one-on-one battle. You aren't permitted to interfere."

Leorio continues to complain. "Don't you understand you're screwing up our chances?"

"I'm sorry, but I won't change my mind." His voice remains resolute.

"You stubborn fool... fine! A majority decision..." Leorio decides. "O to kill him, and X to leave him alive. Ready and..." *Presses a button on his watch* Nothing comes up on the screen. "Why isn't it working?!"

"Maybe it's because we're asking the question?" Gon guesses.

"The watches only work for questions presented by the examiners," confirms Killua.

"I see... okay! Then we'll use a show of hands! Those who agree that he should be finished off... now!" Leorio is the only one to raise his hand.

"Just give it a rest and leave him alone already," I say glancing at Kurapika who still hasn't opened his eyes.

"Damn it! Fine! Do whatever you want!" Leorio goes off in the corner to sulk.

"Let's just leave him be," Killua goes to sit by the edge with his feet hanging over and Gon sits down beside him.

"Umm... Kurapika..." I ask unsure if he'd be willing to talk about it. He peeks open one eye to look at me. "What was that about before? I mean what's the deal with the Phantom Troupe? And... why did your eyes turn scarlet?" I take a seat next to him.

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now