{5} Game X at X Midnight

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After clearing the exam's Second Phase, Kirahki and her friends fly through the starry sky, toward the site for the Third Phase.

"Allow me to introduce myself to the 43 remaining applicants," the old guy who fell from the sky during the Second Phase tells us. "I am Netero, Chairman of this year's Hunter Exam Selection Committee. Originally, I'd planned to make my appearance during the exam's final phase, but as I'm already here... I'm loving this tension in the air!" *Killua yawns* "So I think I'm gonna stick around. We are scheduled to arrive at our destination at 8 a.m. tomorrow. You are welcome to get some rest and are free to do as you please until you are contacted."

"Okay, Gon! Let's explore the airship!" Killua declares excitedly.

"Yeah!" Gon agrees. "But she can come too right?" He points at me.

Killua shrugs, "I figured she'd come along anyway, if you did."

"Then let's go," my brother smiles, pulling me along.

"How can they have so much energy?" Leorio asks exhausted. "I'm hitting the sack."

"You can say that again," Kurapika nods.


We walk past a door that leads to the kitchen. "I'm starving. Let's get some food." Killua gestures to the door.

"Are you sure that's okay?" Gon seems uncertain.

"We'll be fine," Killua assures him.

"You guys go ahead," I tell them. I still have some of my chocolate stash.

"Okay but you're missing out," Killua waves to me as he's pushing my brother inside. I sit against the wall munching on my chocolate.

A couple minutes later I can hear someone yell at them. "Hey there kids! Stay out of the kitchen! Go eat in the dining hall!" They are thrown out on their butts.

I laugh at them, "So did you get anything good?"

"Yeah we- is that chocolate?" Killua's eyes widen. "You had that the whole time and you didn't say anything?!?!" He looks like he's ready to fight me for it.

"Well I...umm... did you want some?" I offer holding out my hand.

He snatches it from me and devours it. "Oh yeah... we got this for you too." He holds out a small cake with a strawberry on the top. "Gon said you would like it."

I smile accepting the little cake. "Mmmmm... thank you it's delicious." I lick my lips.

"Killua wasn't that yours?" Gon's holding another small cake in his hands. "I thought this one wa-"

Killua grabs it away from him and wolfs it down with one bite. "Nope."


We continue exploring the ship. "Wow, awesome! Look!" Killua points out the window.

"Hmm? What is it?" Gon asks as we look to see what he's talking about. "Whoa! It's like the ground is covered in jewels."

"It's so beautiful," I admire.

Killua smiles, "Yeah."

"Hey Killua," Gon asks him "I was just wondering... where are your mom and dad?"

The smile disappears from his face. "Hmm... they're alive. Probably."

"What do they do?"

"They're assassins." He replies like it's nothing.

Heart of the Assassin (A Hunter X Hunter Fanfic) {Killua Zoldyck}Where stories live. Discover now