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You walked to work alone the next day.

You'd also slept alone in your apartment again last night, even though you were planning on staying at Harry's for most of the week.

After your almost explosive fight yesterday you'd given Harry one last disappointed look before striding out of his office. The two of you hadn't spoken for the rest of the day while you tried to pick up the reins on planning The 1975 album launch party that Harry seemed so adamant to go ahead. If he wanted to speak to you like a controlling boss then you'd supposed you best do your job, albeit very stubbornly.

But you'd broken the obvious stalemate when the clock had hit six o'clock and you'd made your way back into Harry's office to bid him goodnight.

He'd been hunched over his desk, the glow of the computer illuminating his scrunched up features as he poured over whatever was capturing his attention.

The sound of your heels tapping against the floor had made him look up, but the silence still persisted as you held each others gaze and made your way to his desk.

Harry had stood when you'd reached it and came to stand in front of you, his eyes full of concern and sorrow and longing which you knew was mirrored in yours. You both hated what this situation was doing to you both, how it was making you act.

Clearing your throat, and averting your eyes for fear the intensity in his own would make your resolve crumble, you'd spoken, "I'm gonna stay at mine tonight."

You could've sworn his shoulders had sunken slightly, even though his face held no surprise as he nodded in understanding and ran a hand through his hair before resting it low on his hip.

"Don't stay too late," you'd said to his silent reply, knowing he was probably burying himself in work to try and fight the guilt bubbling away, as you'd done the same thing all day after all.

"I won't," was his hushed answer.

Harry's eyes shone as you'd nodded this time, now unsure whether to just walk away or lean into the goodbye kiss that felt like second nature by now and one that you were certainly craving.

But luckily Harry had acted, grabbing your hand in his own and pulling you towards him slowly, to press a kiss to your temple.

You'd breathed each other in for a moment longer, savouring the warmth you knew you'd be missing tonight, when he'd whispered softly against your skin, "I love you."

It wasn't an apology, or an excuse, but it made your heart crack a little nonetheless because his quiet words were all you needed to know that things would always be okay.

"I love you."

You'd whispered the words back, equally as gently before pulling away and making your way out of the office, your hands lingering together until the last moment.

Part of you still ached a little at the solemn yet comforting moment you'd shared last night, and you sighed as the rain beat down against your umbrella as you continued down the sidewalk.

You knew having the night apart had been the right thing to do, as this morning you felt a lot better about what had happened yesterday after some long hard thinking in the toasty bath you'd drawn before bed.

There was no way you'd back down from trying to get Harry out of this sentence he'd been written, and from wanting to bring Liam down for what he'd managed to spin so carefully. But, you'd realised last night that maybe there were other ways to do it.

Because you didn't want to be put in a a situation that meant lying to your boyfriend, and maybe your fiery will had gotten in the way of that before, but you had eventually realised that misleading Harry wouldn't help. He needed people around him who he could trust, and right now you were not sure if you were being a very good example of that.

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