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One year, two months later...

The large dining room was airy and delicate, what with the off-white drapes and soft lighting illuminating the grand skirting along the walls.

You knew Emmy was always going to have a beautiful wedding - it was Emmy for goodness sake - but even she had still managed to out-do your expectations.

Even though you'd been a huge helping hand with all the planning, Emmy's perfectionist (or as you liked to call it - stubborn) nature meant that she had pretty much taken on all of the requirements of planning a wedding. Even though you had protested and butted in as much as possible, you had still been incredibly amazed by how perfect the day had been.

She had opted for subtle shades of pink flowers paired with shades of white, cream and ivory - a classic take on what could only be described as a simple, yet elegant celebrity wedding. Her dress was a simple ballgown made of the finest silk with thin straps and a sweetheart neckline, which curved into a slightly lower V shape. It was gorgeous and sexy but so classy at the same time, and seeing the tears spring in Niall's eyes when he caught his first glimpse of her had made your own tears begin. You'd even caught Harry subtly wipe at the corner of his eye.

The wedding cake had just been served, and after hors d'oeuvres, a starter and a delicious main you'd only just managed to finish your serving. The room was alive with love and happiness; laughter, chatter, clinking glasses, and quiet background orchestral music filled the high ceilings, and it was safe to say the smile hadn't left your face all day.

And that smile turned to Harry now, as the fingers of the arm that was slung over the back of your chair began to swirl attention-seeking circles onto the skin of your bare shoulder.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look?"

You chuckled bashfully, Harry's smooth yet borderline cheesy compliments still able to make you feel all giddy and flushed.

"Yes, a few times actually. You need to be a bit more subtle when trying to woo a girl Harry," you teased lovingly, placing a hand on Harry's firm thigh.

"Ah, knew I'd given too much away," he joshed back, an amused glint in his emerald eyes as his hand moved to twine into the hair at the nape of your neck.

Unable to resist his charm, you began to lean forward to place a gentle kiss on his awaiting lips when suddenly a loud movement to your left made you pause.

"Cecy!" Cried your newlywed best friend. Emmy had, rightly so, consumed her fair share of champagne from the pink flush to her cheeks as she grinned broadly at you, "It's time to catch the bouquet!"

You rolled your eyes in good humour, "Emmy, it's pointless - I'm already engaged!"

The shine from the diamond ring on your hand, that was still placed on Harry's leg, caught your eye as you shot Harry an adoring smile. The words 'engaged' and 'fiancé' still hadn't lost their touch even though Harry had proposed nearly nine months ago. You weren't sure they would ever tire, until they were replaced by 'married' and 'husband' of course.

"I know but it's tradition!" Emmy tried to reason, all too aware that she knew you'd cave anyway.

"Fine, but just so you know you're making a nearly-seven-month pregnant woman do this!" You chided jokingly, gripping the hand she offered you to rise onto your feet.

Bracing your other hand over your swelling stomach, you settled upright, still just about able to manage walking in your low heels, even if your bump covered most of the view of your feet.

You could feel Harry's concern-filled eyes on you the whole time, but as soon as he was sure you were okay, his faced filled with a glowing expression that could only be described as pure love. You thought that Harry had always looked at you in that way, which of course he had, but upon finding out about your small miracle, it was as though Harry had reached a whole new level of love for you.

And, of course, it was a level of love you completely understood. You'd never quite understood it when parents claimed to feeling a love like never before when pregnant or after giving birth, but ever since that first ultrasound you knew you would sacrifice everything for the small life growing inside of you.

Offering Emmy a thankful smile, you shooed her away to get in position. But as she hesitated, you spied the guilt in her eyes.

"You know you don't have to..." she trailed off, eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Oh Emmy stop it, I'm still more than capable thank you very much," you intoned, appreciating her concern but also wanting to be as big a part as possible of her special day, "Might need an escort though," you turned to wink at Harry as Emmy finally shuffled away with a knowing smile at your stubbornness.

Harry shot to his feet, instantly offering you his elbow. You gratefully slid your arm into his, but not before getting that short and sweet kiss you'd been prevented from a few moments ago.

Finding out about your baby had certainly been a surprise. You and Harry weren't exactly trying to prevent a pregnancy, but considering you'd only been off your birth control for a few months before falling pregnant, it had still been a shock.

At first you'd been all over the place, stressing about how it might affect yours and Harry's new company, being unable to work with a new born and everything in between. But of course, Harry had been straight to the rescue, reminding you that this was exactly why he had decided to move away from Eroda Music: to be prepared for starting a family.

Once the initial worries had very quickly surpassed, you had been instantly besotted by what this pregnancy meant to you and Harry. It had been your lifelong dream to be a mother, and to share this with the love of your life... it was hard to put into words how much it meant to you.

And as Harry walked you towards the dance floor, which held a growing throng of excited women, you ran a loving, engagement ring-clad hand over your belly once more, a glowing smile on your face.

It was hard to even fathom the happiness you currently felt in your life. You had everything you'd ever wanted: a sensational career, wonderful friends and family, a gorgeous fiancé, and now a baby on the way as well.

You peered up at Harry, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by how extremely lucky you were. As he met your gaze, it was as though every single time he'd looked at you ran through your mind on a rewind play, right back to that very first look in a dimly lit club.

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