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You knew today was going to drag, but by the time the clock struck one in the afternoon you were sure someone had slowed down the clock.

It was Friday, the day before you and Harry were due to fly back home to the UK, and as usual, the day before a holiday was always the worst.

Somehow the anticipation always seemed to surmount to a point that was almost unbearable, making everyday life seem utterly tedious when you knew what exciting thing would be happening very soon.

You were always excited about going home for the holidays; Christmas was one of, if not your favourite time of year, and spending it with your family and repeating the annual traditions you'd done since you were little meant the world to you.

But of course, bar your usual excitement, this was technically your first vacation with Harry now that you were together.

Yes, there was the weekend in the Hamptons back in the summer, but considering you were still fighting your feelings for Harry then, you weren't going to count it as a holiday with him. Although there was a huge tug in your gut whenever you thought about that weekend, and how glorious Harry looked bathed in the sun, and the countless opportunities there had been for a moment alone between you both...

Shaking your head slightly to dissipate your daydream, you promised yourself as soon as you both had the time you'd be sure to book a trip away to somewhere warm and sandy where Harry could wear those tiny yellow shorts every single day.

You sighed a little, as even though these thoughts of your future with Harry made you incredibly happy, the aftermath of your argument earlier in the week bought you crashing back down to reality.

The truth was neither of you had really made up since the argument. You'd both moved on from it yes, but no-one had explicitly said sorry or made an attempt to talk it through. It was weird, as you were no longer angry or upset, but there was no denying the weird tension around the office that had been underlying ever since your little run in with Liam.

Harry had certainly been acting up too. For example, one day he'd made Phoebe go and pick up your lunches instead of you in case she bumps into someone she shouldn't Harry had said, none too quietly. Or when he'd had a purposefully loud conversation with Niall about how he had no New Years Eve plans, even though Niall had admitted to also receiving the invite from Liam which had promptly wiped the smirk off Harry's face.

You didn't take much mind to it, blaming it mostly on general work stress as when the two of you had been home together, everything was absolutely fine, great even as you both gushed over your Christmas plans and how excited you both were about going home.

But you also knew it was purely just both of your stubborn natures coming to light when at work; you wouldn't back down from being Liam's friend and accepting his invite, whereas Harry wouldn't admit his reaction was mostly because of his underlying jealousy...at least that's how you saw it.

Part of you couldn't deny the obvious fact that yes, being caught by the paparazzi with Liam in the way you had was slightly problematic, but in the grand scheme of things once you were all seen at the New Years Eve party, all these silly rumours would be completely dispelled. Harry needed to learn to control his jealousy, and until he admitted that, you certainly wouldn't be backing down any time soon.

Deciding to stop going around in circles, you picked up your phone to answer your messages from Emmy - who was still harping on about bloody Winter Wonderland - and didn't notice when Harry quietly came out of his office.

"Hope you're not texting Liam," his voice made you jump slightly as you were engrossed in your response.

Putting your phone down and looking up at him with narrowed eyes as his comment finally sunk in, you were greeted with him lounging against your desk, one large palm supporting him on the surface.

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