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You spent the rest of the evening and most of Sunday wrapped in a blanket, with pyjamas and fuzzy socks on, eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream while watching re-runs of The Office.

Emmy had come to your rescue when you'd first returned from the fiasco that was turning up to Harry's apartment, swiftly removing the beautiful flowers from your apartment when you asked her to take them instead. You had sobbed your heart out in the cab home; the type of sobbing you would do to Celine Dion's All By Myself, Bridget Jones style, so by the time Emmy arrived you seemed to have run out of tears. A weird calmness actually overtook you as you retold the recent events. Emmy was shocked, she wasn't big on social media as she knew the effects of hate first hand by being a superstars girlfriend, so hadn't noticed any headlines about Harry and this new girl either.

Even though you insisted that you were fine, she slept over that night because she knew that you might be fine, but you weren't okay at all. She even went as far to make you pancakes when you woke up late Sunday morning.

As you sat at your kitchen table in a comfortable silence, watching the small, ant-like people go about their lives far down below, you knew that Emmy wanted to ask you something from the way she kept fidgeting in her chair.

"Ems, quit fidgeting and say what you wanna say," you laughed half-heartedly.

"Ugh, thank you, I was dying there," placing her fork down on her now empty plate she folder her hands atop of each other on the table before meeting your gaze steadily, "What are you gonna do when you see Harry at work tomorrow?"

Sighing, you also placed your fork down on your plate. You ran your hands over your messy hair before matching Emmy's steady gaze, "I'm just gonna act like nothing happened. I don't know what else I can do - he knows how upset I was because he saw, he knows he's royally fucked up, but that doesn't change the fact we still work together."

Eyeing me sceptically, Emmy pondered her thoughts before she responded, "But do you not think that seeing him properly is gonna hurt you?"

"Yeah I do, without a doubt," your lip quivered, a sign you were close to tears, but you took a deep breath and carried on, refusing to cry anymore, "I'm having my pity party weekend and then it's just time to realise that I was too late and move on. I can't blame Harry; I did leave him stranded after he kissed me, as much as it does hurt to see that he's already moved on."

Emmy sighed and searched your face sadly. She actually found the whole situation very unlike Harry. For the few years she had known Harry, he'd never acted like he did around you with any other girls - completely besotted - and she just couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else to it, like he had a reason for doing what he'd done. Choosing to not voice that opinion right now, she reached forward to grab one of your hands in her soft palm, "You're just gonna have to make him regret missing his chance with you,"

"Oh, don't you worry Ems, I'm gonna do exactly that."

Even though you woke up on Monday morning feeling ready to face the day, your heart still ached painfully in your chest and your stomach felt like an empty pit, but you were determined to put on a brave face.

You hadn't slept very well - countless different scenarios of how the day could potentially go had been playing through your head like a crappy movie on repeat. You woke an hour before your alarm so decided to go for a short run around Central Park to try and rid the troublesome feelings still plaguing you.

The soft early morning light that spilled through the gaps in the trees reminded you of how sunbeams would break through a dark raincloud after a storm; it seemed fitting to your current situation and you took some comfort in that. Hopefully some sunbeams would be breaking through your dark cloud soon.

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