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"Take a seat," Harry gestured to the plush black velvet seats that were placed in front of his desk.

Harry's office was spectacular; he had obviously bagged the best spot in the building as the whole back wall was floor to ceiling windows, revealing the phenomenal view of New York, reminding you of why you loved this city so much. Even though the majority of the office sported a sleek, modern look, you noticed little vintage accents dotted around the place; framed signed band vinyls, a guitar, industrial single bulb standing lamps, and countless books, albums and journals organised on the many shelves and surfaces in the large room. But what you loved most was the terracotta orange velvet sofa in the corner of the room that provided a cosier, more relaxed contrast the to rest of the office. The overall effect was the perfect summary of Harry; sophisticated and professional, but underlined with an old-school love for vintage.

He watched you as you admired his office, noting the way your eyes lit up at the personal touches dotted around the place. Harry was very proud of the paraphernalia and memorabilia he has collected over the years; he liked to subtly show off his many famous connections. Even though his heart was beating a mile a minute at the shock of seeing you again, he maintained his impassive demeanour, adamant not to give any of his true feelings away.

Now seated, you stared expectantly at him as he analysed you under his forrest green gaze, eyebrows furrowed in a slight frown, hands clasped just under his rosy lips that were set in a tight line.

"Am I going to be fired?" The words came blurting out before you could stop them, but you hand came to cover your mouth in shock regardless - when had you become so uncool?

His stern look softening, Harry replied, "Um no, why would that be the case?"

Oh, you though, so feigning ignorance is the way you're gonna do this huh? There was no denying that the last time you two had seen each other, and your consequent decision to walk out, was hanging in the air between you two like a balloon that was being pumped with too much helium and could burst any minute.

A beat of silence passed before you replied as you tried to find the best way to word your next sentence, "Well...I should apologise for leaving last week, after we, um...you know," you groan inwardly at the blush you could feel brightening your cheeks, "And I hope that it won't impact our work relationship moving forward, Mr Styles."

"Well to start with, I think we know each other well enough for you to call me Harry-"

"Right, yes,"

"- And I can't say being walked out on is something I'm used too," you stifled a roll of your eyes at his cockiness, not realising that Harry had actually been a very disappointed that morning, "But no need to apologise, I'm glad you got the job as it makes my life a lot easier as I don't think any icebreakers will be necessary," he finished with a smirk. The blush on your cheeks deepened at the underlying connotation of his words - you'd seen each other naked - meaning some formalities were already out the window. "Friends?"

"Yes, friends," you confirmed with a smile, "I'm glad we got that out of the way," you laughed airily, "And anyway, I'm good enough at my job to not require icebreakers or team bonding, as you can probably tell." You teased, motioning to your credentials that lay in his large hand.

Harry's cock twitched in his pants at your word choice - bonding, really? "Hmm, you're not wrong love," his own smile grew as your laughed tinkled through his ears; it was a sound he already loved.

"I'm familiar with most of the expectations that comes with the role, but is there any requirements that you personally will need me to complete on a regular basis?" By this point in your career, introductory training was something you knew was ultimately the same wherever you worked - it was more the personal requirements of the individual that varied,

Harry's crotch stirred again in his black dress pants at his initial thought: you could most definitely bend over his desk and let him fuck you on a regular basis, but he quickly averted his attention from his dirty thoughts before they went any further - he was your boss now.

He cleared his throat, "No, not that I can think of at the moment. I don't require you to do my washing for me as I'm sure some of your previous employers did Miss Stone-"

"Cecy, you can call me Cecy,"

"Mhm, sorry - Cecelia," your lower stomach fluttered at the way your name rolled off his plump, kissable lips, reminding you of the way he had moaned it as he reached his orgasm, "I might ask you to pick up the odd item or complete an errand when I'm particularly busy, but they created this role more so for the organisation and handling of my growing clientele. There's a number of managers now, but since I helped in the founding of the company I have more responsibilities that can't be all down to Phoebe to organise."

You nodded in acknowledgment, secretly surprised at finding out that he basically owned the company, "Where will I be working?"

He rose, and you rolled your lips between each other as you looked him up and down swiftly. Now he was closer, you could fully appreciate the way Harry looked in his salmon pink shirt, rolled up at the sleeves to reveal his tattoos, and black dress pants, hanging perfectly off his slim hips, "This way Miss Stone,"

The use of your surname broke you out of your trance, "Harry, I said you can-"

"Call you Cecy, I know." And you could swear you could see his smirk through the back of his head as he walked to pull the door open for you, "Ladies first," he murmured as you approached the open door.

But what you didn't realise was that he heard how your breath hitched ever so quietly in your throat at his choice of words, remembering exactly how they sounded when he had bought you a drink at that bar only a week ago. 

bit of a short chapter this time, but its mostly just a filler one (but who can complain about harry in a suit) the next chapter will be longer :) 

please keep voting and commenting cos it really does mean a lot!

kait x

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