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The rest of the week luckily carried on being quite uneventful.

Credit definitely had to be given to yourself, Harry and the rest of the team as you'd all shown just how well you worked in the mini crisis that had started the week.

All the headlines had pretty much disappeared, clearly realising that it was just a rumour or blown out of proportion tip off from a source lacking all the facts.

However, you couldn't help but feel as though this was just the beginning of what could become a huge nightmare for the company. There was something about your few encounters with the people from Bear Records that you just didn't trust; if they were just going around stealing artists and putting false claims in their heads, then what else could they do?

Everyone who was involved with the music industry - whether it be as a fan or as a singer - knew first hand how petty and cut-throat record companies could be to their competitors. Countless court cases, unfair suing, huge settlement deals, the list goes on.

You would be absolutely devastated for Harry if any of this happened to him and his company, knowing how hard he has worked to get to where he is today. But as always, jealous rivals is a price to pay for success and talent, both of which Harry had a lot off.

Saturday rolled around and you were planning to get ready at Harry's since he wanted to see you straight after your meeting so you could fill him in on what had been said.

You'd discussed tactics over dinner which consisted of a lovely linguine dish made by Harry himself; seeing him working around his kitchen with an expression of concentration and a tea towel flipped over his shoulder and the longer strands of his hair held back by a little clip had been a pretty spectacular sight. Harry could be doing the most mundane of tasks and yet you'd still be able to gaze at him in complete awe - you were just that smitten. Part of you couldn't help but wonder if you were getting a glimpse into your future. You certainly hoped you were.

However, when you'd started to do your make-up, you'd noticed Harry doing just what you'd done when he was in the kitchen; watching you devotedly with these big puppy dog eyes. It was probably mostly because you were dressed only in his fluffy purple dressing gown which kept slipping down your bare shoulder, but you definitely didn't mind his attention.

"Baby..." Harry whined in a needy tone as he came over to you and started peppering kisses along your shoulder and from all of this, you knew exactly what he was after.

"No, cos then I'll be late Harry," you pushed his face away by fluttering your fluffy make up brush on his nose which caused him to scrunch it up adorably.

"Please, I'll be quick I swear, I've just been getting all riled up watching you and you just look so good..." he sounded like a little boy trying to convince his mum as to why he deserved a treat after dinner.

"No Harry," you laughed as you got up to grab your clothes and change into them.

He made a noise of disappointment and jutted out his bottom lip in a pout. As you passed him on your way to the bathroom you gave his puffy bottom lip a little kiss, "Later, I promise, then you can have me for as long as you like."

That seemed to satisfy him for now, as he gave an enthusiastic nod at your words, "Yay, can't wait," Harry said cutely, pulling you in for a proper kiss before letting you go and get dressed.

Thirty minutes and lots of kisses from Harry to try and distract you later, you were walking up to the entrance of the fancy looking bar.

The plan was to go in professionally and cooly, to show this new head manager that you, on behalf of Eroda Music, was not someone to be messed with. You'd even worn an outfit that made you feel like a powerful girl boss; a pleated hem black skirt and silky white low cut shirt paired with a pair of red heels that gave out a satisfying and commanding tap as you walked.

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