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Harry Styles Falls For The Oldest Trick In The Book - Young PA Cecelia Stone Seduces Styles To Get New Job!

Styles Caught With Newest Fling, And It's None Other Than His Own Assistant!

Who IS Cecelia Stone? Previous Nobody Uses New Boss Harry Styles To Build Own Fame

Harry Styles Punches Journalist Tom Pennock In Bar Brawl


Your index finger flicked mindlessly through Twitter as you waited for everyone to board the airplane you were currently sat on. This week off couldn't have come at a better time, you'd had it booked in for ages as it was your Dad's birthday, and quite honestly, you really needed the break. The headlines had only lasted about a week after the photo of you and Harry kissing the previous month had been released. It had come with a few other blurred shots of you two leaving the club back in January which had surprised you; you'd been so sure you hadn't been caught.

Even though they quickly passed, as whatever new scandal soon took precedence, to say they'd had a detrimental effect on you would be an understatement. Sleepless nights of feeling numb had become the norm, a complete lack of appetite, a knock to your confidence that took you back to when you were 13 and had been rejected by your first crush. But, those feelings you could deal with; you knew they were only temporary even if they had lasted longer than you'd have hoped, lingering like a bad smell. Aside from that, what probably hurt you the most, was the fact yours and Harrys relationship had become unrecognisable. It was strictly professional, with hardly any of the closeness that had been so prominent before, and it made your heart break.

You were angry at Harry for shutting you out and acting like nothing had happened, even when you could see the swollen eyes framed by deep bags that you knew was a symptom of crying and no sleep, as it was exactly what you saw in the mirror every morning. Especially in that first week, it had been awful, you could hardly look at him without wanting to burst into tears. You were angry at yourself for running away that night and hurting Harry and not confronting it head on as you usually would have. You were angry at your heart for betraying you; it wasn't until this tidal wave of bad press had caused you and Harry to drift apart that you had realised how strongly you felt towards the curly haired man, and ultimately leading to a realisation that it was too late to ever patch things up romantically. You were angry at Tom fucking Pennock for getting into your head with his slimy words and deceit, and the way he had twisted the media so perfectly to his advantage. For what reason, you still weren't sure.

Despite this onslaught of negative feelings that had encompassed you for the past month, things had gotten better before you left for your week off. As the headlines became old news, you and Harry had begun to build some rapport back up - sharing the odd half-hearted laugh, and awkward smile during the long days at the office. Nevertheless, a week at home in England with your family was exactly what you needed.

You closed Twitter and deleted the app with a sigh - you wanted this week to be social media free - as the flight attendant announced that the plane was fully boarded and preparing for take off. It was safe to say your Twitter profile was no longer public, along with all other forms of social media, in an attempt to minimise the hate you had, and still, received.

Thankfully, you slept for most of the duration of the seven hour flight. No dreams plagued your sleep, which came as a great relief after having been woken by nightmares of paparazzi swarming you, of giant headlines trapping you in a maze you could never find the end of, for the past few weeks.

As the plane bumped down on the runway, a breath you hadn't realised you'd been holding left your parted lips. You hadn't expected to feel this relieved at being home, but you welcomed it nonetheless.

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